Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Red Light Green Light

15 traffic lights. I have to go through 15 traffic lights on my way to work. Then of course there’s the same 15 lights on my way home. That’s 30 lights on my commute, and that’s only if I go straight to work and straight home and don’t run any errands. That’s the potential to hit 30 or more red lights in one day. Yea, of course the probability of that actually happening is incredibly slim, but it is still a possibility. You can probably imagine how some days I get incredibly frustrated on my way to or from work. No one enjoys sitting at a red light. But sometimes it's necessary. And not only literally,  but also metaphorically. Literally, what if all we had were green lights? Well I would hope that would be pretty obvious. It would be a mess. The same goes for metaphorically.

Life is like a traffic light. It’s times of waiting and times of moving forward. And life isn't just red lights and green lights; there are yellow lights in there too. Times to be cautious and prepare for what’s coming next. The last few years for me have been a series of yellow lights and red lights. Times of preparing and redirecting. Some lights lasting longer than others. Now I feel I have reached a red light. The red light that will actually turn green. A red light where I am finally ready to do what God intends but now I must wait until He tells me it’s time. For possibly the first time in my life I am welcoming the coming change with open arms. Ready to see what this next chapter holds. Ready to see where this road will take me. I just need to be patient now and wait for that greatly anticipated green light.

Looking back I now see the importance of all the yellow lights, and even the red lights when I started heading in the wrong direction. They were to prepare me for when the light turns green. So, the next time you’re waiting at a red light, remember that God is controlling the traffic light of your life. Sometimes waiting for the light to turn green can be frustrating, but it will, when the time is right. And sometimes you watch as other peoples lights’ turn green but yours is still red. Be patient. Whatever light you’re on right now is for your safety and is in His control. Your light will turn green soon enough.  


Saturday, November 5, 2016


"It isn't necessary" a friend of mine said when I offered to help him with something. But what really is necessary? Is it necessary for me to help a friend when he didn't ask for it? No, I suppose not. Is it necessary for a husband to buy his wife flowers? Perhaps not. I mean. He already knows she loves him, so what's the point of buying flowers right? Or is it necessary to help someone reach the top shelf in the grocery store? Offer a phone to the mail lady with a flat tire? Go into work on a Sunday because they need some extra help? It’s not "necessary" to do any of these things. But what if we only ever did what was absolutely necessary?  

If everyone only did what they deemed to be necessary this world would be a very dreary place. People would only do the absolute minimum to not get fired from their job, no one would help anyone in trouble because it wasn't in their best interest, relationships would fall apart because who wants to be friends with someone who only ever does what they deem to be "necessary"?

Everyone's definition of what is necessary is different. For some it's literally clothes on their back and food in their stomachs. For most teens these days it's the phone in their hand and money in their pocket. For me, well, from my perspective, going above and beyond for a friend, or anyone really, is always necessary. Though you may not call helping someone reach the top shelf, buying your wife flowers, or helping a friend when they don't ask for it "necessary" they should still be necessities. Sometimes the best things in life are the things you don't ask for, the things you don't expect, and the way you feel when you do something nice for someone without them having to ask and without expecting anything in return. There are a lot of things that are "necessary" in life. Being a good spouse, a good friend, a good employee, a good person, should always be one of them.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Car Trouble

I was driving home from work when I stopped at a red light. Then, when the light turned green Spiffy, my car, decided he didn't want to go anywhere. I was stuck. He claimed his battery was dead and refused to do anything. So there I was, all by myself on a busy street with a car that wouldn't go anywhere. I couldn't push it out of the way by myself. I took a deep breath and tried to restart it. Nothing. I watched as cars got antsy behind me and I waved them on, telling them to go around. And I watched as the green light turned red again and back to green.

I tried to call my dad but he didn't answer. Apparently he had gone out and forgot his phone. So I called the owner of the Bed and Breakfast I work at, I had just left from there and it wasn't too far away so I figured they could come help fastest, she said they would be right there. I had a few strangers stop to make sure I was alright while I waited for them to come. I felt relief knowing I could tell them I had help coming. Then one of my mom's co-workers from forever ago showed up to help, he was on his way home from work and saw me. The four of us managed to get my car to the side of the road and I called AAA so I could get it towed to my mechanic. I later found out that one of my best friends was right across the street the whole time and she came over to wait for the tow truck with me.

Within seconds I was alone with a car stuck in the middle of the road, and within seconds I was surrounded with people, strangers, acquaintances, and friends alike, all ready to help. Over a week later I am still without a car, and when they do figure out what is wrong with it, I have no idea how I’m going to pay for it, but there is still light in this story. I was not in the middle of the intersection. And God certainly used this incident to teach me some very important lessons.

God works in mysterious ways. He certainly used this event to teach me to stay calm and trust Him. And through it He also showed me how many people there are in my life who will help when I need it most. Once I got home I was able to list off at least five more people I could've called who also would have been right there to help. But I also wonder if my car was supposed to break down. Just so I could get some experience with what to do in that situation before I end up in a place where I don’t have anyone nearby who could help. A way to prepare me for the future.

It was certainly a scary experience, and one I hope I won’t have to deal with again any time soon. But now I know how many people are there to help if it does. And I certainly needed a reminder of that. Sometimes God uses the strangest, most random times, like some car trouble, to remind you of the most important things. What has God reminded you of recently?


Saturday, September 10, 2016

9/11 stories

Tomorrow is a significant day in history. Tomorrow is the 15 year anniversary of 9/11. A day where everyone remembers what they were doing. This post is a little different than my previous posts. This one is special. It’s sort of a post leading up to the real post. Being the writer that I am, I am fascinated with stories. So, I want to hear your stories. Where were you on 9/11? What stories do you have? Please share them! Write a comment here or go to my Facebook page at Jessica Page  Send me a message or post it there. Then I would like to compile your stories into a special blog post. If you would like to remain anonymous just let me know and I will honor your request. There is no time limit on when to send your stories in. If they don't make it into this years post I will save them for next year. Let’s help each other remember this day in history!

Update: I did not receive enough stories to compose a blog post this year. But please keep sending your stories and I will put together a post for next year. Thank you to those who shared stories, and I look forward to reading any more stories that people have!

Monday, July 11, 2016

The Right Order

Today my parents are celebrating their 24th wedding anniversary. I'm honestly not sure if I know a single couple who loves one another as much as they do and as long as they have. That got me thinking about what makes a long lasting marriage and I realized, a lot of it, has to do with doing things in the right order. There is an order to things and when that order is followed it becomes much more likely that the relationship will last longer. People all have different ideas of what this "right order" is. And just so there are no misunderstandings, I’m not saying any one of them is either wrong or right. What I would like to do, though it will require revealing things about myself that I’m still not sure I want to share, is to share with you what my idea of the right order is.

I have a motto. I catch myself saying it over and over again. It is “friends before more than friends.” This means that I believe part of a strong romantic relationship is being good friends before you cross that line. If there is a strong friendship there before two people become romantically involved with each other then I believe it is much more likely that the relationship will stay strong. My parents were friends first. They tell me stories of all the fun things they did together before they were even dating. You hear about people saying they married their best friend and that’s why they are still together, well how could that happen if someone jumped into a romantic relationship before that lasting friendship was established? It can't. You can learn a lot about someone while just being friends. People aren’t afraid to show their true colors to a friend, whereas when trying to impress a girlfriend or boyfriend they’re on their best behavior.

So what about when a friendship becomes a romantic relationship? I personally don't believe in dating. I know I know, crazy right? But I have never seen the point in it. Why be in a romantic relationship with a whole bunch of guys when you're really only looking for one? And guys, this goes for you too. Do we really want to be with a whole bunch of people, only wasting time while waiting for the right one? I believe that when the time is right your one true love will come into your life. It may be a stranger, or a best friend from forever ago, but whoever it is they will come. We just need to be patient. So, I don't believe in dating. The only reason I see for dating is if you are considering marriage with this person. And I mean serious about marriage. I see it as the transition point between being friends and getting engaged. I know that society has a very different view on this subject than I do. I know you probably do too. And I am not trying to change your minds, I’m just sharing my thoughts.

So, dating. I have made a commitment to myself and to God that I will not kiss a guy until I am engaged to him. I know, unheard of right? You hear of kids having their first kiss at ten or maybe even younger. I pride myself on the fact that I haven't had mine. I am not afraid to admit it. It's a special event in someone’s life. Don't you want to save that special moment, that special kiss, for your future wife or husband? I want to be able to tell my children that my first kiss was with their father, not some guy I can't even remember the name of.

In my opinion society these days seems to have things in the wrong order. There are these unwritten rules for relationships that I personally see no point in. For example, a couple seems to think that a logical step in a relationship is moving in together. I honestly can't even comprehend why this makes any sense. Living together is a special thing that comes after marriage. There are better ways to really get to know someone than to live together. Being good friends first for example. If you have all of those special milestones before you're married then what happens when that jump is actually made?

So, now that I’ve put myself out there and probably contradicted everything society thinks is "normal" in a romantic relationship, maybe it will encourage you to take a step back and ponder your view on the subject. Whether you agree with me or not, it’s always a good idea to ponder your view on things every once in a while. Maybe it will change your view, maybe it won’t. And maybe it will help you get to your 24th wedding anniversary.

Please feel free to comment and tell me what your idea of the “right order” is. I would love to know!

                           Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

My Lifeguard Walks On Water

June 12th 2011. Just over five years ago. On that day I officially became a lifeguard. It took a lot for me to get to that point. I've never been one to take on that kind of responsibility lightly. You are guarding people’s lives. Keeping them safe. Helping them if something does go wrong. It's a lot to put on a person. But five years ago I took on that responsibility. I became a lifeguard. And I am so glad I did. Now jump forward to June 12th 2016 and we find that on that day I officially became a lifeguard instructor. I am now not only responsible for guarding people’s lives at the pool, I am now responsible for teaching new lifeguards how to do that job. And I have to say, it’s a bit stressful.

Summer is now here and all the pools and beaches are opening. Seeing lifeguards will be the norm. And we will trust that these lifeguards know what they're doing and will keep us safe. It's so easy to trust someone in a lifeguard shirt. We don’t know who trained them, we don’t know if they remember everything they learned, we don’t know if they are having a bad day and aren’t paying attention, but yet we trust them with our lives without question. We tend to put so much trust in the human beings around us. But we're only human. We're flawed. Why do we find it to be so easy to trust other flawed humans, but yet we find it so hard to trust that one lifeguard who is not, and never will be, flawed?

The lifeguard I am referring to is the one who walks on water. Jesus. I think about how much responsibility I have and how much responsibility these young kids now have and I worry that when something goes wrong, will I, will they, respond correctly? We are only human after all. But we have to remember that the lifeguard on the deck is not the only one watching. And we need to trust that the other lifeguard, the one who walks on water, will watch over us and make sure we are safe.

Lifeguards have a lot of responsibility. I have great respect for a lifeguard who does their job well and you should too. But when you feel like you’re drowning in this crazy life, remember that it is important to trust other humans, but it is also important to trust Jesus. He is the lifeguard who will always be watching over you. And who doesn’t want someone who can walk on water to be their lifeguard?

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


The days are slowly getting warmer and summer is just around the corner. And summer means flowers. I was delighted to go outside today and find my green yard splashed with little dots of yellow. Yes. Those little yellow flowers that pop up where you don't want them. The ones people call weeds. But that weed is my favorite flower. And here’s why.

I find that this world is often dreary and has way too much darkness and sadness in it. It is lacking in color and light. Dandelions literally change that. They show up everywhere whether you put them there or not. They spread and multiply to where you least expect them. Where they are most needed. They add a little splash of color and bring a little light wherever they decide to pop up.

I like to compare people to flowers. Every one is a little different and we all thrive in different places. But too many of us tend to act like potted flowers, ones that stay where they are planted. We only let our light shine where we're put, where we're told to. But nowhere else. Far too few of us act like wild flowers or, even better, dandelions who show their light everywhere, even in the dreariest of places.

This world is in desperate need of some light. I think we should all strive to be like dandelions. We should strive to show our shining light wherever we go. And even though people may like to mow us down, and may even consider us weeds because we are not welcome there, we should not give up. And like dandelions we should pop right back up again. We need to stop only bringing light where we’re comfortable. We need to pop up everywhere and bring light to the whole world. And hopefully, like dandelions, our little light will spread and multiply through the people who see it.

And maybe now when you see that little yellow flower show up in your yard, you won’t be so quick to mow it down. Let it share it’s light with you.

Be a dandelion today and every day!
Please Comment and tell me what you think! And if you like what you're reading, please share!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Maintaining Friendships

I went for a walk today and came across an old cabin. It's falling apart. The roof is covered in moss, the windows are old, and all the wood is rotted. And I’m pretty sure there's a hole in the roof from when a tree fell on it in a storm a few years ago. And that’s only what I can see from the outside. I've never seen the owners there and they refuse to sell it. Soon it will reach the point of no return and it will be too late to try to fix it. Where am I going with this? It made me realize that friendships are like houses. And friendships that are not maintained can, and will, fall apart like that old cabin will.

People these days take friendships for granted. Maybe I’m weird, or maybe just old fashioned, but I take my friendships very seriously. And not just friendships, but relationships of any kind. I have seen more than my fair share of relationships fall apart and that makes me very much aware of when it's happening. Sometimes they just crumble all at once, like a storm completely destroying a house. And sometimes it happens slowly, just from lack of maintenance.

So what does it mean to maintain a relationship? It means that you can't just leave it for months and expect it to be exactly the same when you come back. I know some people have that special bond, that you can go forever without seeing each other; and then when you do, it's like no time has passed. But that is rare. And that depends on how strong your bond is before that long time passes. It depends on how strong the house is before you leave and how long you leave it.

Maintaining a relationship also means that when things do start falling apart you both need to decide it's worth fixing. And then fix it. If too many things start falling apart then eventually it will reach the point of no return. However, a friendship is never completely beyond hope if both people agree to rebuild it.

So how do you fix those things before it's too late?

Talk. Talk it through. We are only human. We can't read minds. Your friend will never know what you're really thinking without you telling them. A nice long conversation is always a good idea. If you refuse to tell your friend anything, whether it's your feelings or just things about yourself, the friendship isn't going to go very far. There's only so many things we can avoid and ignore before there's nothing to talk about.

Listen. Listen to what your friend is telling you. Really pay attention and listen, not just hear, what they are saying. A friendship is a two way street. If you expect your friend to really listen when you talk, you should be doing the same for them.

And do something. Sometimes words are not enough. Physically doing something will mean so much more. Doing things for and with each other shows that you are willing to sacrifice the time and energy for them. It shows how much they mean to you. Plus, it’s an opportunity to make more memories with each other. I don’t know about you, but I believe a friendship needs to be more than just texts and phone calls. Physically seeing each other and just spending time together is what makes all the difference.

The secret to having a good friend is being a good friend. You both need to maintain the friendship. You can't just take it for granted and expect it not to fall apart. Life happens and storms come. We can't stop every storm. But we can try to fix the damage.

Monday, March 28, 2016


A couple nights ago when I was driving home I was suddenly compelled to roll down my window. Over the sound of my mother talking to me and the music playing I had heard something I had been waiting for all winter. The peepers were chirping. And it was perfect timing as always.

Ever since I was really little I have known the sound of the peepers. They come out in the summer time when the air is warm and those clear summer nights have begun. I have fallen asleep to their soothing noise, a gentle chirping sound. And until a little while ago I had never ever seen one in the wild before, and not for lack of trying. The night I saw him it was raining; a fall chill was in the air. I was getting ready to go to bed. I went to check that the front door was locked and was met with a pleasant surprise. A little frog was hanging out on the window. He wasn’t making any noise, but I knew what it was right away. It was a peeper. He was so little and cute. His little neck moving so fast, as if trying to make noise but failing to do so. His little eyes, mesmerizing. His sticky feet holding him to the window so tiny. Something so simple, but yet, so amazing. Seeing that little frog made me realize how important such a little creature has been in my life.

That little frog has brought me peace many times. When I’m home it is a comfort. Something you don’t realize you miss until you don’t have it anymore. And when I was in Roatan, so far away from home and comforts, that something familiar was sorely missed. But then we hear something unexpected as we drove back from dinner to our rental house one night. We rolled down the car window and listened to that familiar chirping sound. And we laughed as we realized they didn’t sound quite like the peepers we had at home. It was like they had an accent. And I listened to those Hondurian peepers as I began to drift off to sleep and I knew it was going to be ok. And when I was in Virginia Beach last summer, a trip of many questions and not enough answers, I sat out by the beach one night, wondering what I was doing there, and realized I heard something I didn’t expect to. Those little peepers were chirping their song. Letting me know it was going to be alright. And as I sat in the car the other night, at a time when I was worried about what my future holds, I started to hear that choir of chirping little frogs and knew everything was going to work out just as it’s supposed to. As long as I can hear the peepers, I know I’m going to be ok.

The song of the peepers is like God’s way of reminding me that He is always there and it’s going to be ok. Whether it’s with their little Hondurian accents in Roatan, their slightly southern accents in Virginia, or the peepers here at home, as long as I can hear them I know I have nothing to worry about. Sometimes God uses something unexpected to remind us that there’s nothing to worry about, that He’s in control. Sometimes it’s something incredibly simple. Like a little choir of frogs singing at night. The next time you hear those little chirping frogs, sit back, take a deep breath, and listen to them. Then remember that whatever is troubling you, God is in control and it will all be ok because the peepers are still singing their song.


Friday, March 11, 2016

Never Grow Up

"Never Grow Up" That's been my motto for as long as I can remember. I've been a Peter Pan Girl since I was really little. I’ve lost count of how many Peter Pan themed birthday parties I’ve had. And I’ve seen and read nearly every rendition of the Peter Pan story that exists. I've even said that I don't want to marry prince charming, I want to marry Peter Pan. Someone who knows how to have fun and stay young at heart. Peter Pan is the definition of my childhood and I have always said it will also be the definition of my "adult hood."

So, as you can probably imagine, finding that it was time for me to go to college, get my driver’s license, get a job, move out, was all quite hard for me. Every grown up thing I allow myself to do literally feels like a piece of the child within me is being ripped away. It is not a good feeling. So, when I was up late the other night finding myself getting excited about my future, well, it also started me thinking about that little girl inside who is nowhere near ready to disappear yet. And I don't ever want her to. Staying young at heart, but yet admitting that it is inevitable that you do need to grow up sometime, is a difficult balancing act. I know that I can't live with my parents forever and I need to get a job. But does that mean I have to “grow up”? Do I need to leave my childhood behind me and "act like an adult" all the time? Or am I allowed to still be a kid sometimes? It is important to be responsible. It's important to be able to take care of yourself. But is it not just as important to let the child inside come out and play sometimes? I think it is.

I still believe that it is possible to be a responsible adult but to always be a child at heart. Where it really matters. As I surprise myself by getting excited about my future and my adult life, my favorite Peter Pan quote comes to mind. It reminds me that the adventures, the fun in life happen in more than just your child hood. There are grand adventures in adulthood too. And life is the adventure. So, as I set off on this next great adventure, both the adult me and the child me both excited and scared, I remember that "to live would be an awfully big adventure" and living means growing up. It just doesn't have to be all the way...

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Grilled Cheese

I was in the college cafeteria to get lunch today. I hadn’t been there in a while, I am graduated after all, but I had found myself there again. I was in the back of the line but the lady making food points to me and calls “grilled cheese?” she asked, already knowing the answer “yes please!” I call back with a smile. And it was finished in seconds; I think they started making it before she even asked what I wanted! I had my food and was sitting down before the people in front of me even ordered!

You may be wondering how she already knew what I wanted. It might even sound a bit creepy. Well, while I was going to school there I would always ask for grilled cheese. It was what I grew up on. It was something cheap that I knew I would like. I guess I could call it my comfort food. And when I was in college I certainly needed some comfort food. So, I always ordered the same thing. Grilled cheese every day. But there are so many kids who go through that cafeteria every day, how could they still know what my order is before I even walk up to the counter?

The answer is simple. I took the time to talk to them. I was always there with a smile and a kind “please” and “thank you.” I’ve been through that cafeteria so many times and so few students even give them a second glance let alone tell them to “have a good day” or say “thank you” or “please” for their food. It’s sad really. Today I realized that I think they miss having me show up all the time. I could see their faces light up when I walked in the room. I find I miss them too. They really made my time at college bearable. I always looked forward to seeing them at lunch.

So today I decided to do something special for one of the ladies. She always has a smile, is always commenting on my outfits, and I always comment on her scarves she likes to wear. She has been there for as long as I can remember, longer than any of the others. And even when I was having a rough day, she would always bring a smile to my face. I crocheted her a flower and gave it to her today; thanking her for all the times she brightened my day. She was very grateful and immediately attached the flower to her shirt where everyone could see. I hope I made her day, I hope I brought a smile to all their faces by showing them some kindness today; they certainly made me smile today!

So, take the time to say thank you today. Take the time to talk to the cashier at the store, the lunch lady in the cafeteria, thank the lifeguard at the pool. Wherever you are today, whatever you’re doing, let the people around you know you care. It might just make their day! And it’ll make yours a little brighter too!


Sunday, January 24, 2016


“That's the best outfit I've seen all night” at least that’s what I think he said.

“What?” I asked turning around.

This was a little over a year ago. I was leaving Walmart. I was tired, hungry, I just wanted to go home, I had had a bad day. I didn’t believe what I had heard. Was that really a complement? Do people still do that?

“That’s the best I’ve seen all night” the older gentleman repeated with a French accent, gesturing to my outfit.

“Thank you” I said with a smile, but it didn't stop there as he continued to explain.

He compared my style to what he had seen in France. He said that the people there dressed like I was, that they are so stylish there and say "madam and misère" so polite. I thanked him again a smile on my face.

I didn’t exactly see what he did. I was wearing knee high socks, a skirt, a sweater, and probably a hat. It was a completely normal outfit for me. I had gotten the occasional complements on my interesting outfits before, but how he saw a French sense of style in an outfit like that, I do not know. But he noticed. And he liked it. And he bothered to say something. I was happy the rest of the day after that. I made his night, and he made mine.
It made me realize that a simple complement, a stranger getting the courage to tell a stranger that they like something they are wearing or doing, can change that persons day. It can brighten their mood. Now, I’m not saying you should care whether or not someone complements you on your outfit. I personally don’t care what people think of my sometimes crazy sense of style. Whether people like what I’m wearing or not I’m still going to wear it. What I am saying, however, is that you shouldn’t be afraid to tell someone you like their hat, like their knee high socks, tell them their smile brightened your day. It’s a crazy world we live in. A world where people are afraid to complement each other, afraid of how they will take it. I have felt this way many times. However, being on the receiving end of a complement as well, I also know that it can mean a lot to someone.
So, I encourage you to stop being afraid. If you like something, say so. If someone’s outfit reminds you of home like mine did for this French gentleman, why not tell them so? Just why not? Complement someone, it could change their whole day for the better. It might change yours too.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Live Up To Your Hat

A year or so ago I came up with a new motto. It was "you must live up to your hat. Whether figuratively or literally, you should live up to the hat you are wearing, make your hat proud to be sitting on your head!” At first this probably seems really strange, maybe even a little Mad Hatterish, but let me explain.

This motto came about while I was watching a talent show. This guy comes on stage in an amazing hat and I got all excited, thinking his act is going to be great. It was horrible. I can’t remember what he did now, but he did not live up to his hat. Then, the next guy to come on stage had a humble beat up top hat. His act was amazing. The first guy did not live up to his hat, but the second definitely made that hat proud to be on his head. I know, it still probably sounds a bit odd. But bear with me as I clarify.

Let’s begin with figuratively. As I mentioned in one of my earlier posts, titled “Many Hats” if you haven’t read it yet, everyone has many different hats they wear. Many different rolls they play and jobs they do. But what does this have to do with living up to your hat? Every job you do or roll you play is important. It is part of what makes you you. So why not do it as well as you possibly can? If you do your job as well as you are able to then you can know that you made that hat proud.

Now what about literally? If you are literally wearing a hat then there is automatically an expectation that needs to be met. For example, if you are wearing a hat supporting a specific sports team, then shouldn’t you actually be a fan of that team? Or, if you are wearing an extravagant top hat, shouldn’t you try to live up to that expectation? Carry yourself like you deserve to have that hat on your head? I am not going to wear a pirate hat and then not act like a pirate am I? That wouldn’t make any sense. So why did I put on the hat? From a baseball hat to a top hat you should live up to the expectation that comes with putting that hat on your head.

Hats deserve a certain level of respect. They can define what job you have, turn you into any character you want to be, even turn into a form of entertainment. Be proud of the hat’s you wear, and make your hats proud to be on your head. I know, it all still sounds a bit Mad Hatterish, but hey, who knows hats better than a Mad Hatter?


Monday, January 4, 2016

The Art of Writing in a Journal

Being a writer, I have always found myself writing in a journal of one kind or another. I find it to be incredibly therapeutic. Last year for Christmas I gave a journal to nearly everyone I know. Some of those people were incredibly grateful, some even saying they literally just used up the journal they had been writing in. And some I find, one year later, still haven’t written a thing in theirs. I realize where writing just comes naturally to me, for some people they just don’t know how to start. So, since I find writing in a journal to be really important, here are my thoughts on the subject in hopes of maybe encouraging you to write in a journal of your own.

There are many different things you can write in a journal, some basic things are what you did today, what you hope to do tomorrow. But I like to go deeper than that, how what you did today made you think of something else. Not necessarily only what you hope to do tomorrow, but what you hope to do with your future. Your thoughts, your feelings, your hopes, your dreams, your deepest fears, your highest accomplishments. Just go for it. You can write about anything that comes to mind.

Once you decide what you are going to write about, or at least have a general idea, you must realize who you are talking to. It is an imaginary person. You are talking to your journal. Your journal is a wonderful cover filled with pages that will someday hold some of the most important thoughts of your life. But it is a journal. It will not talk back or tell you you're crazy, even if you are. It will only listen intently as you write. It will not spill your secrets. Unless, of course, someone reads it. In which case one thing it does not have is a security system. Unless you install one or buy a special journal with a lock.

A journal is a very helpful tool. It helps you unravel the mess in your head and forces you to organize it into words, sentences, paragraphs, endless pages. It doesn't mind if you ramble, sometimes that's all we need, someone to ramble to to figure out our own problems. And a journal is certainly a good listener. And if a journal doesn't solve the problem, it can certainly help put your thoughts in an order so that you can tell someone else who can help solve the problem.

So, the art of writing in a journal. It takes no talent, just a journal and a pen. It doesn't take an exciting day to find something to write about, just an idea, and that can come from anywhere on any day, even the boring ones. It is a way to think about what you're thinking about. Someone you can tell your deepest secrets to. A record to look back on your life. A place to keep your hopes and dreams. Writing in a journal can be a wonderful thing. It is an art, but one that does not require you to be a writer, only a person. So find yourself a journal and just write.

Do you write in a journal? How has it helped you?