Saturday, September 10, 2016

9/11 stories

Tomorrow is a significant day in history. Tomorrow is the 15 year anniversary of 9/11. A day where everyone remembers what they were doing. This post is a little different than my previous posts. This one is special. It’s sort of a post leading up to the real post. Being the writer that I am, I am fascinated with stories. So, I want to hear your stories. Where were you on 9/11? What stories do you have? Please share them! Write a comment here or go to my Facebook page at Jessica Page  Send me a message or post it there. Then I would like to compile your stories into a special blog post. If you would like to remain anonymous just let me know and I will honor your request. There is no time limit on when to send your stories in. If they don't make it into this years post I will save them for next year. Let’s help each other remember this day in history!

Update: I did not receive enough stories to compose a blog post this year. But please keep sending your stories and I will put together a post for next year. Thank you to those who shared stories, and I look forward to reading any more stories that people have!

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