Sunday, January 24, 2016


“That's the best outfit I've seen all night” at least that’s what I think he said.

“What?” I asked turning around.

This was a little over a year ago. I was leaving Walmart. I was tired, hungry, I just wanted to go home, I had had a bad day. I didn’t believe what I had heard. Was that really a complement? Do people still do that?

“That’s the best I’ve seen all night” the older gentleman repeated with a French accent, gesturing to my outfit.

“Thank you” I said with a smile, but it didn't stop there as he continued to explain.

He compared my style to what he had seen in France. He said that the people there dressed like I was, that they are so stylish there and say "madam and misère" so polite. I thanked him again a smile on my face.

I didn’t exactly see what he did. I was wearing knee high socks, a skirt, a sweater, and probably a hat. It was a completely normal outfit for me. I had gotten the occasional complements on my interesting outfits before, but how he saw a French sense of style in an outfit like that, I do not know. But he noticed. And he liked it. And he bothered to say something. I was happy the rest of the day after that. I made his night, and he made mine.
It made me realize that a simple complement, a stranger getting the courage to tell a stranger that they like something they are wearing or doing, can change that persons day. It can brighten their mood. Now, I’m not saying you should care whether or not someone complements you on your outfit. I personally don’t care what people think of my sometimes crazy sense of style. Whether people like what I’m wearing or not I’m still going to wear it. What I am saying, however, is that you shouldn’t be afraid to tell someone you like their hat, like their knee high socks, tell them their smile brightened your day. It’s a crazy world we live in. A world where people are afraid to complement each other, afraid of how they will take it. I have felt this way many times. However, being on the receiving end of a complement as well, I also know that it can mean a lot to someone.
So, I encourage you to stop being afraid. If you like something, say so. If someone’s outfit reminds you of home like mine did for this French gentleman, why not tell them so? Just why not? Complement someone, it could change their whole day for the better. It might change yours too.

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