Sunday, October 21, 2018

Costume Creating

It was Wednesday. Half off day at Salvation Army. And I was on a mission, as I usually am when I’m in Salvation Army. But this time it wasn’t for myself, no, my costume was already finished. This time I was shopping for my dad. And shopping for my dad when he’s not with me isn’t easy…

We were all dressing as Disney Characters for a Halloween thing at the zoo we were going to with a whole group of us. So, he gave me a shortlist of possible characters he could be and off I went, on a mission. At first my mission was unsuccessful. But the second Salvation Army was a success. A gold colored… trench coat…thing…? I really don’t know what it was but it was $3, would fit, and would be perfect for one of the ideas on his list. So I brought it home.

He disappeared to try it on as soon as he saw it, coming out with a full smile on his face. We still had no idea what this thing was…a robe…? A dress…? But it fit, and it would work for the character it was intended for. Next thing I knew he was rushing around the house finding/making the rest of the costume pieces, boyish excitement evident in his eyes. The engineer at work. He had always put a lot of thought into his costumes, usually not telling us what they will be until he shows up in them, faking disinterest until the big reveal. Like when he was saying he wouldn’t dress up for my pirate feast, only to finally come downstairs dressed as Jack Sparrow. And he’s told us about costumes he had made as a kid. His favorite being a dragon costume so big he had to walk to the Halloween party because he wouldn’t fit in the car. But I had never actually watched him in the process of making his costumes. It was intriguing, fascinating, and it made my passion for costume creating begin to make a lot more sense. It was hereditary.

I’ve always loved creating costumes. If you remember my series around this time last year about costumes, you’ll know there were several characters I defined different chapters of my life by. Those weren’t just personalities; I actually dressed up like all of those characters. Some of them I continued to work on and perfect for years. My pirate wardrobe is now so extensive that I can simply pull out pieces on any given day, like I was just getting dressed on a random Tuesday, and pull together a pretty epic pirate outfit. My Mad Hatter costume recently got an upgrade, I just bought a new pair of fairy wings the other day, and I’m always on the lookout for more costume pieces. It’s thrilling to go hunting for the perfect piece to make the costume complete. Even more thrilling to watch it all come together and know I made that. I didn’t buy it premade at a store, I made it myself! And usually a lot cheaper than those store bought costumes. This year my costume involved some complicated sewing. But I don’t mind. I’m going to look fabulous. I’m going to freeze… but it goes with the costume so I guess I’ll just have to live with it.

Until now I always thought I was a bit crazy for putting so much work and thought into my costumes. My mom has never been big on dressing up, until she gets excited about a specific costume idea that is. And my sister loves to dress up, but doesn’t take it to quite the extreme I do. I thought I was alone in my passion. Now I know I’m not. Now I know my dad gets just as excited as I do. It was fun working on this costume with him. I hope that maybe we’ll get to help each other with our costumes in the future.

Have fun making your costumes everyone! It’s a day to be someone you’re not… or maybe… someone you really are but don’t usually show… Hmm… there’s a new way to look at it… Have a safe and happy Halloween Everyone!!!

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