Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Adirondack Air

My family and I recently took one of our "Random Adirondack Adventures" where we head into the Adirondacks and stop where we stop and see what we shall see. This particular one involved a beautiful scenic drive, a view of the mountains, a walk through the woods along the lake, a little shopping, and some dinner at one of our favorite restaurants in Old Forge.

While we were eating our picnic lunch with a view of one of the many lakes in the Adirondacks my mom comments that the Adirondacks just smell better. I have to admit, she is  %100 right. But it's not simply the smell, it's the air itself. The woods, the lakes, the mountains, the miles and miles between towns and houses. It's just... Clearer. Fresher. Better.

Several years ago we went to some of the Great Camps. Those fancy ones from over 100 years ago where all the rich people would come up to the Adirondacks to "camp". Doctors would actually prescribe a trip to the Adirondacks as a cure for whatever ailed them. It was for the clean air. And they were certainly on to something, I'll give them that. Not necessarily for actual sicknesses, but for mental health I could certainly see how it could help. And the clean air couldn't hurt their physical health either.

Whenever I’m feeling a bit lost in life or upset about something a trip into the Adirondacks always helps. There’s nothing like being on the top of a mountain and seeing the world spread out before you to put life back into perspective. And realizing that you just walked uphill for over an hour just to get that view, appreciating that the best views take a little hard work.

Or kayaking out to the middle of the lake early in the morning and seeing nothing but water surrounding you. Just you and your kayak. Silence. Peace. A loon calling in the distance.

Or sitting in the woods surrounded by the birds and chipmunks and such. Surrounded by God's beautiful creation and realizing that every little creature was created for a purpose; and so were you.

Or sitting around a campfire with friends and family and playing music or telling stories and being truly in the moment. Being reminded not to take everything for granted such as the people around you, being able to grab some fast food, or going to the bathroom in the middle of the night without having to walk outside in the dark and cold...

I am, and forever will be, an Adirondack Girl. I will always look forward to those "Random Adirondack Adventures" wherever they will take me. And perhaps you'll join me on one sometime soon and see for yourself what makes that Adirondack air so special. If you’re having a rough day today, well… I'm not a doctor, but consider this a prescription for some Fresh Adirondack Air.

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