Sunday, October 28, 2018

Boston Red Sox

October 27th 2004. Everyone in my family knows exactly where they were that night. It was a historic night in history and we are all proud to say we had the honor to witness it. I was at home with my mom, dad, and my sister who had decided to go to bed. It was the day after my birthday. I had just turned nine years old. It was a clear night, a night that promised a blood moon. What a perfect night for The Boston Red Sox to play the World Series. If they were going to break the 86 year curse and have their victory, tonight would be the night.

I was still young, but I knew since I was born that I would be a Red Sox fan. My mom says that she remembers her Grandfather would listen to every game, but he never saw them win the World Series. I was brought up to know that if I wasn't a Red Sox fan, I would probably be disowned (not really, but it would definitely disturb the piece) My cousin claimed he was a Yankees fan once, I don't know if he still is or not but I think he learned to keep it to himself if he wanted to keep the peace.

So, there I was, on a clear October night watching the Red Sox game with my mom and my dad, and thousands of other excited fans wondering if tonight would be the night. I didn't really understand it at the time, but I knew it was important. And I was excited. I remember that my mom and I would run outside and look at the blood red moon, then run back inside to watch the game. I remember as it got closer and closer to the end of the game, the game became much more important. And I remember that the second it was over we were all jumping around the living room. They had won.

Then came the emails, the phone calls, my whole extended family was ecstatic! 86 years without winning the world series and I can say that I was alive to see them break the curse and have their victory! Now that I am old enough to choose a team for myself, I really can't choose any other team. Here's why. I know people who just go with the winning team, they route for whoever won the world series last year. And I know people who just pick the team who does the best overall. Or they pick the team from where they grew up or where they live. Well, I pick the team with history. A real story to tell. The underdogs. The team who never gave up even when they went 86 years without winning the World Series.

In my opinion, the best baseball fans are the ones like my great grandfather. The ones who stick by their team no matter what, even if they have to wait until they are in heaven to see them win the world series. I choose to continue to support the Boston Red Sox to honor the Great Grandfather I never met. And so that I can proudly say "I am a Red Sox fan and I got to see them break their 86 year curse" what other teams fan gets to say that? And I will continue to believe that it was because of the red moon.

I am proud to say that I am a Red Sox fan, and one day I hope to see them play in Fenway Park next to the Green Monster. Maybe someday I can say I saw them win another World Series while I was sitting right in the stadium watching. But for now I’ll settle for celebrating in my living room, and with my own grandpa, as I will certainly be doing after their amazing win tonight!!! Go Boston Red Sox!!! Congratulations on winning the 2018 World Series!!!

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