Sunday, May 13, 2018

Your Mother And Mine

Today, as you surely know, is a day to honor some of the most amazing people in the world, our mothers. Whether she be your birth mom, adopted mom, foster mom, anyone who is a mother in your eyes, be sure to let her know how much she means to you today and every day. "A mother, a real mother, is the most wonderful person in the world" in the words of Wendy Darling, and I couldn't agree more.

My mom is the best mom I could ever ask for. I fondly remember her singing me "Little Ducky Duddle," or "Jesus Loves Me," if I couldn't sleep. She'd read to us, even long after we were capable of reading ourselves. She still kisses me goodnight and I hope she never feels she has to stop simply because I'm "too old for that". We never stop needing our mothers, no matter how much we might pretend we do.

As I grow older my relationship with my mom has grown and matured. She is "The helping hand that guides you along" from when you're just a baby through adulthood. For me, my mom has helped me through some really tough times that I simply wasn’t ready to deal with on my own. But with her help and guidance, I am now more prepared to handle the challenges that are bound to come up in the future.

Moms are amazing people. They have to be to put up with us, right? In the words of Wendy’s song,

"What makes mothers all that they are?
Might as well ask what makes a star
Ask your heart to tell you her worth
Your heart will say, heaven on earth
Another word for divine
Your mother and mine"

Again, simply couldn't say it any better myself! So, to all those moms, foster moms, adopted moms, friends moms who treat you like their own, aunts, grandmothers, any mother like figures out there, Happy Mothers Day! You deserve it!

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