Sunday, October 29, 2017

Costumes And Characters: Pirate

It was July eleventh 2010. We were on a walk and were trying to figure out what to do the next day. That’s when mom suddenly, for the first time ever, mentioned the Sterling Renaissance Festival. We decided to go. My sister and I had no idea what to expect. The feeling I got as I walked under that archway for the first time was amazing. It was like stepping back in time. I don't remember much from that first time. But I do remember that as soon as I got home I started putting together my outfit for the next year. That day was when it all began, but the real turning point into this next chapter, this next character, came the next year. And it would be the beginning of the Pirate Chapter.

We walked under the archway into another world and I knew I was about to have a very exciting day, but I didn’t know it would change the way I see myself. Everything looked as if it had been brought back from the 1600‘s. The buildings were permanent, they looked as if they had been standing there for centuries. All of the workers dressed, spoke, and acted the part and rarely broke character. Like my family and I, most of the guests, dressed up as villagers, fairies, pirates, and gypsies. This added to the magic and made it seem like we really walked back in time. I felt like I fit in with the crowd, but yet I stood out in my own way. That is one of the best things about the festival. You can be anyone you want to be and no one will think you were strange. Something I have had problems with in the past.

Then we found the pirates. They were playing music and I tapped my black boot on the dusty ground and swirled my long pink skirt. Two things I would never wear on almost any other day. Now I wear things like that all the time. I didn’t usually like to stand out; I didn’t like being the center of attention. When the pirates had finished, I walked up to the three girl pirates on the path. “There be a pirate” they said. That one comment made my day. I was recognized as a pirate by the pirates. I had only expected a picture from each, but I got a whole story and a pirate name. I was known as “Jessica the Bloodthirsty.” That name didn’t really suit me; I was definitely not the pirate type any other day. I never was. However, I wasn’t about to complain. They invited me to be part of their crew. I played along and told them that I would love to, but that my parents probably wouldn’t let me.

And that was where it all began. I would go to the festival almost every after that and every year the pirates would recognize me. In addition to the renaissance fest, my pirate personality managed to find its way into my everyday life. I continue to improve my pirate costume. I continue to form my back story. I became Captain Opal Jemstone (yes I spelled that with a j on purpose). And I host a Pirate Feast every year where all of the “pirates” take a break from fighting each other to sit down and eat a grand feast and dance and drink together.

I felt different when I got home that day; after the Renaissance Festival. I suddenly didn’t care as much if I fit in or stood out. I don’t mind being the center of attention anymore. If it wasn’t for this chapter in my life then I would still be that shy little girl who was afraid to stand out and afraid to take control of anything. Taking on my pirate personality has given me confidence I never thought I could have. I turn myself into a pirate pretty often now, I pretend I am the captain of my crew; it gets me to speak up and get people to listen. Although I have moved on from this pirate chapter, Captain Opal Jemstone is still a very large part of me. It’s the part that isn’t afraid to go on an adventure, no matter what that adventure will bring. I would be the first to admit that this part of me does not come out nearly as much as it should. But that will change, because now I am part pirate.
One more character before Halloween! And its one of the most interesting, so check back tomorrow!

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