Thursday, October 26, 2017

Costumes And Characters: The Fairy

I like to think of my story, my life, as a series of characters. As I go through life my personality changes and grows, and the characters I choose to play changes with it. I separate the chapters of my life by the costumes I wear. I know, that sounds ridiculous, but it is totally true. Seeming as Halloween is just around the corner, I figured what better time to write a post, or a series of posts, about costumes than right now? So, in the next week leading up to Halloween I will be posting a series of stories about different phases, costumes or characters if you will, I have been throughout my life and how they all tie together into my current character. I hope you enjoy going on this journey with me!

(But if you’d like to just skip to the end, check back in on Halloween for the current character, who, appropriately, will also be my Halloween costume)


The first chapter of my life is a princess, as any little girls is. But I don't remember most of that except that I had a Cinderella dress that I wore all the time, even though my favorite princess has always been Snow White. So, I’m going to start this with the next character, A fairy.

When I was little, my sister and I would go to our friends house all the time. His family was close to ours and we grew up together. Whenever we were at his house we would occupy ourselves in countless ways, but my favorite times were when we would go out to his backyard and end up in another world.

I was always a fairy, I had the ability to fly, of course, and I could heal those who got hurt in battle. I could also shrink or grow whenever it was necessary. My sister was usually a princess and our friend was always the hero. Our adventures would begin with us jumping off the swing. It was as if we were flying into an imaginary world or jumping into our character. We would use sticks for swords, or a wand in my case, and we would fight off imaginary villains. Whenever someone would fall in battle I would rush to their aid and heal them with my wand. I guess I’ve always had a desire to help people.

Like all good stories, we would always win. Even though the odds were entirely not in our favor as it was usually three against hundreds. But we were young; when you’re a child with an active imagination anything is possible.

We would spend hours out there, going on new adventures and coming up with new villains to fight. Day after day after day, we would never get tired of it. But, like all things, this chapter of my story came to an end. But I am still very much that same little girl. Just a little older, hopefully wiser, and unfortunately fighting some real battles now, not just imaginary pirates with stick swords. Life was so simple back then…

Check back tomorrow for the next Character in my Story!

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