Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Costumes And Characters: The Enchantress

And here we are, Halloween. So, here's the final (for now) character in my story who is also my Halloween costume this year!
I wrote these chapters a while ago and after I wrote the Mad Hatter Chapter I really didn’t know what came next. I mentioned this to a friend of mine who knew I was writing these and she said that maybe I was in the wilderness. The waiting place. And at the time I truly think I was. I was preparing, in limbo, waiting for whatever God had planned for me next. But now, now I know what chapter comes next, what character. And that is what I will share with you now.

This character appeared last summer, the day before my sisters Graduation Party. I walked into the kitchen to find her and some friends of ours (really more like siblings) creating characters for themselves. So, as I listened to the crazy characters developing around the kitchen table, naturally I wanted in on the action. There was an undercover princess, a time traveler, a werewolf, and a demi duck… that’s a long story of its own… And that was when Crystal the Enchantress appeared. All our characters continued to develop all throughout the summer and continue to develop even now. Back stories emerged, new adventures began, new characters joined the game. And Crystal the Enchantress began to get her own little personality.

The most unique part about Crystal is that she enjoys turning herself into a dragon. But that’s not the only interesting part about her. What I was surprised to discover as The Enchantress began to develop was that she has a little bit of every character I’ve ever been in her. Everything from a fairy to The Mad Hatter, it’s present in her personality, just as it is in mine.

She’s regal and majestic like a princess to start. She has magic and she has a passion to help people like I did when I was the fairy in my story. She also has the power to heal people and creatures with her magic, like I did as a fairy.

She lives in a castle and takes in countless creatures if they have nowhere to live, much like Jamie The Jungle Princess. Anything from everyday animals to wizards and warlocks take refuge in her castle. And I’d like to think her castle sits atop a cliff somewhere overlooking the ocean on one side and perhaps a jungle or magical forest on the other. And she doesn’t just have a love for animals, her flower gardens would be immaculate both inside and outside her castle.

So the jungle, fairy, and princess are easily explained as part of The Enchantresses personality, but how does a spy fit in? Well, she loves solving problems and she is smart and cunning. She also quite enjoys staying hidden and sneaking around without anyone seeing her.

The enchantress is certainly part pirate. Part pirate captain to be precise. She may be quiet most of the time, but that is simply because she is carefully calculating the right thing to say and when to have the most impact. She knows how to take charge and when. And she knows when is best to take the rest of her “crews” advice.

The Mad Hatter is certainly a quieter part of her. She hides it well but it’s still there. She… I… survived a lot of heartbreak, perhaps not as much as most, but her heart breaks for anyone who is hurting and that has a way of wearing on a person. It is only natural for a little bit of madness to seep through every once in a while.

She is very different than any other character I’ve ever been, but at the same time is much like a combination of all the characters. The Enchantress in me is still developing. Still writing her story. This chapter is only just beginning. But I already know who the Enchantress is. She is kind, and loving, just a bit mysterious, not afraid of adventure, and ready to take on the world. I don’t know what this next chapter will bring exactly, but the Enchantress in me is ready to take on the world with confidence and grace.

                   Thank you for going on this journey with me!

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