Thursday, January 8, 2015

Saying Goodbye

A good friend of mine left recently. I knew it would be a long time before I would get to see him again and I was having a hard time saying goodbye. Then I started really listening to what he was telling me and what I have told many people in the past. It’s not good bye.

In many of the stories I have written, the characters have to say goodbye with a good chance they will never see each other again. However, they always seem to find strength. They know that it doesn’t have to be goodbye for good. But sometimes it is just so easy telling someone what they need to hear, but then when you’re in the same situation, it is so difficult to believe it yourself. I was in that situation when my friend left and I found myself looking at my own stories for encouragement.

It is hard when someone you care about leaves. Especially if you know you won’t see them for a very long time, or possibly never again. But that is just how it is going to be; it is going to be hard, even if you are prepared for it. Sometimes you just have to open yourself up to what is being said. Sometimes it will be what God is telling you, sometimes it will be through other people, sometimes even through your own subconscious like I found in my stories. You have to believe that, if it is meant to be, your paths will cross again. I know from experience that it is easier to tell someone that than to believe it yourself, but I also know from experience that it is true. I know that I will continue to have a hard time saying goodbye; I know that you probably will too. However, if we remember that it’s not good bye, just farewell until next time, then parting ways might be a little bit easier.

What do you do to make saying goodbye a little easier? Tell me in the comments! Farewell until next time!


  1. I have to strongly agree with you....sometimes is hard to say goodbye for good...but is better to think that it is not a goodbye but a see you soon.
    Thank you so much for your precious words. It really talks a lot to me because it says things that we sometimes wants to say but we have no enough words to do so. Thanks!

    1. Thank you! I am glad I can write about subjects that you can relate to.
