Friday, December 26, 2014

Day After Christmas

Happy Day After Christmas! Just like probably every child in the world, I wish every day of the year could be Christmas. But not for the reason you might expect. I don’t want it for the presents, the decorations, or even the apple pie. I want every day to be like Christmas because it is a time when we remember that Jesus was born. I want it because it is a time when we make an effort to make the people in our lives happy. Mathew West wrote a song called “Day after Christmas” that deals with this thought. Here are some of the lyrics.

Here comes the letdown Christmas is over

Here comes the meltdown, there goes the cheer

But before we have a breakdown, let us remember

 The light of the world is still here


 Happy day after Christmas

 And merry rest of the year

 Even when Christmas is over

 The light of the world is still here

Christmas is not the only time we should remember that Jesus was born. Christmas should not be the only time we share joy with others. Having the Christmas spirit shouldn’t be something we only have for one month out of the year. We should try to have that kind of joy all year long. We should try to bring others that same joy all year long. “Don’t let this world take your joy after Christmas. Take joy to the world and just sing” So, happy Day after Christmas! And merry rest of the year! Let’s continue to bring joy to the world all throughout the year instead of just at Christmas time!
Here's the song if you want to listen!

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