I don’t like change. I never have
and likely never will. And every time there is a big change in my life it takes
a long time for me to adjust and feel “normal” again. Except, I never feel
normal… But that’s not the point. The point is, on top of every schedule
change, life event, relationship struggle, job issue, health problem, all the
normal changes guaranteed to happen to any human living on this planet, we have
to throw a time change in there. Why?
I know most everyone struggles with
the time change. I’m not convinced anyone actually likes it. It messes up every
kids routine, confuses pets, no one can get anywhere on time, it is proven to
cause more accidents; I see absolutely no reason for it whatsoever. And people
like me, people who can’t handle change, we struggle more than most. Do you know
how long it takes me to get used to the time change? The time it takes to get
to the next time change. I’m not even kidding. I JUST got settled into a
schedule. I JUST got used to the time being the way it is. And now we’re going to
change it again? Am I not allowed to function? I’m beginning to wonder…
Our bodies have a natural rhythm.
Our clocks may change automatically, but our bodies don’t. And it isn’t healthy
to keep forcing it to readjust like that. Honestly, I think it’s a conspiracy to
keep us exhausted, sick, confused, and dysregulated. Why else would we keep
doing this to ourselves at this point? To our kids? Our pets? They don’t
understand why dinner is an hour later or earlier. Why all the sudden they’re
exhausted an hour earlier than normal or aren’t ready for their nap till an
hour late. Not to mention the effect it actually has on daylight entirely
depends on where in the country you live. Will someone please tell me what the
point is? Because I don’t get it. It certainly doesn’t save us time; it wastes
it more than anything. It should be called “Daylight wasting time” because we
waste so much time trying to readjust, we might as well not even bother.
I don’t care which time we stay on.
I honestly don’t. There are such things as lights and curtains. I want to
settle into a schedule, my natural rhythm. I want to give my body a fighting
chance to thrive. Don’t you? Can we just see what it’s like to have a year with
no time change? Can we do that? Can we have a trial run? Does it really matter
what time the sunrise is as long as it rises? Does it really matter when the
sunset is as long as you survived another day to see it?
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