Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Learn With Me


The time has come again to choose a new Daily Challenge for the New Year. 2024s challenge was one of personal growth. Doing one thing for my Physical, Mental, and Spiritual health every day. These are all things I hope to bring into the New Year with me, as I do with all of my challenges, but what to focus on this year? To figure that out I usually look back on how this challenge went.

Spiritual Health

I had a goal to grow closer to God this year. I have yet to make it through the whole Bible and I struggle with praying. So, this year I read or listened to something relating to God every day, usually before even getting out of bed. Starting my day with God helped me understand Him better, helped me understand myself better, and focused my mind on what’s really important before (sometimes after) my brain started running through everything I had to do that day. I stuck to this goal and even expanded on it towards the end of the year. I added writing in my prayer journal every other day to my schedule. Writing down my prayers helped me stay focused and gave God more room to speak since he is often in the middle of my writing already. I plan to bring this part of 2024’s challenge into the New Year and possibly expand upon it. But it’s a habit now, not a challenge, so what to do for 2025?

Physical Health

I have always struggled with exercise. I don’t play sports; I rarely find time to swim which is my favorite form of exercise, and who has the time or desire to go to the gym? But this year I knew I had to do something. My hip is bad and I’m not even 30 yet, I have two little ones (not my own) to run after, and I hope to run after little ones of my own someday too. I knew I needed to start taking better care of my body or it would stop taking care of me. So at minimum I stretched 3 to 5 minutes every morning, before even eating breakfast. On good days I did a 30 minute workout in the morning or did my stretch then went for a walk or a swim later in the day. I wish I had the determination to do more than a quick stretch, but even that made a difference. It’s now been months since I threw my hip out last. I am tired still, but my energy is steadier from day to day. I will certainly be bringing this new habit into the New Year with me, as I have seen too much improvement to ignore. But that’s not my new daily goal this year.

Mental Health

I found I needed to give myself permission to do things I enjoy. I didn’t have the time, or the money, or I felt I just didn’t deserve it. But if my episodes of depression, burnout, and meltdowns taught me anything, it’s that my mental health is just as important as anything else. So I made a goal to do something for me every day. Not surprisingly, this is the goal I had the most trouble with. Not the actually doing things for me part, but remembering to do one every day. I’d be writing down my progress on my goals at the end of the day and not be able to come up with something I did for me. So what I wrote down wasn’t always as “for my mental health” as it was supposed to be. However, successful or not, this did help me slow down and remember to do something that made me happy, especially when I was feeling stressed or overwhelmed. I basically developed a list of things to do in case of a mental health emergency and I know that will be very helpful in the future. This is also something I hope to work on, but more with the intention of maintaining a healthy balance, not necessarily every single day.

So, three very good goals that turned into habits I will be taking into 2025 and many years to come. But what about my new goal? Well, I have two of them, but they are both part of a larger goal. To learn. To learn about topics, learn about myself, to learn about others, to learn how to communicate. Since 2020 there has been a drastic decline in communication especially. We can’t manage to have conversations with each other without ending up in an argument or ending friendships. So many topics are off limits and our world is suffering. We are suffering. I hope that in doing the first part of my Daily Challenge Of 2025, One Question A Day, we can learn how to have conversations again. We can learn new things about each other and about ourselves as we try to answer the questions. And the second part of my challenge is to add more reading to my schedule. I plan to read a few pages in a book every evening. This doesn’t include my bible reading in the morning or the fiction books I read for fun before I go to bed. These will be devotionals, books about how to write, informational books that I can learn something from. There is so much to learn about, and I want to make time in my schedule to do that.

So, will you go on this journey to learn with me this year? To learn how to communicate again? Learn about yourself? Learn about others? Or do you have a different challenge you plan to take on this year? I thank you all for another year of sharing my writing and I wish you all a very happy New Year!

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Family Dinner


Life is busy, everyone has different schedules, how do you find time in the week for community and family? My answer is Church Sunday morning and Dinner Sunday night.

Church has always been the place I get plugged in to the community. It’s where my neighbors all see each other on Sunday morning and talk about what is going on in the community and what we want to do to for said community. It’s where we lift each other up in prayer and celebrate with each other over healing, accomplishments, and birthdays. Community is an important part of any week and I’m glad my church is my community.

I’m not sure when it started or how it happened, but somehow my whole family (all my family that lives in the area) usually have Sunday nights free. So, what better way to stay in touch then to have Sunday night dinner? It doesn’t happen every single week, but for the most part we find ourselves all pitching in to put some food on either our table or theirs. We spend the time catching everyone up on our week, discussing plans for family outings, just enjoying each other’s company. And on the weeks we don’t end up doing it for one reason or another, I find I miss it. It’s nice having one night a week where we actually sit at the table and enjoy a meal.

I have to be honest; I don’t always pray before I eat, but when we have family dinner we pray. And if we forget, my 4 year old cousin reminds us. It’s usually a simple prayer, thank you for family and for this food amen, but it’s an important part of the evening. Family, community, and God. That’s what Sundays are for. That’s what every day is for. What would life be without the people we love and the God who created us? It would be pretty empty. So, take some time this week to pour into the community and your family because tomorrow, well tomorrow is another Monday.

Sunday, December 1, 2024

A Day Of Possibilities


“Time isn’t a straight line. It’s all… bumpy-wumpy. There’s loads of boring stuff. Like Sundays and Tuesdays and Thursday afternoons. But now and then there are Saturdays. Big temporal tipping points when anything’s possible.” ~Dr. Who

Every week needs a day that’s full of possibilities. A party? A concert? A day at home with countless options? A day where you can stay up late or go to bed early, do absolutely nothing or go on a fabulous adventure, get deep into a craft project or binge watch a favorite tv show. The day is there just waiting for you and the choice is all yours what you do with it. It’s a “temporal tipping point when anything’s possible” as Dr. Who says. And for my family, and many others, that day tends to be a Saturday.

Saturdays have always been special for me. Most weeks they fill up fast, but it’s always good reasons. It’s when we have birthday parties or family adventures. It’s usually when my craft sales end up being or a musical event. Then sometimes we have the rare occasion when we have absolutely nothing planned and we get some house work done, take on a project, or play games. No matter what we end up doing, Saturday tends to be full of laughter and celebration, of one kind or another.

Saturday is an interesting day. It’s the end but also the beginning. It can salvage a bad week or set the tone for the new one. It truly is a tipping point, full of possibilities and opportunities for change. I think it’s important to have a day of the week where anything is possible. A day when we take time to celebrate life. Whether it’s at a party or enjoying the quiet of a day unplanned, take some time this week to believe that anything is possible, especially on a Saturday.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Life Is A Mess And A Miracle


“Who made this BIG mess?” ~Big Comfy Couch

Have you ever had one of those days where your life feels like a mess, nothing is working out, you can’t find that thing you put somewhere safe but now that you need it you can’t remember for the life of you where it is? Then you look around and realize the dishes are piled up, there are clothes all over the floor, and why on earth are there sand toys on my desk? Well, for me that tends to happen on a Friday. Well… it’s not always sand toys… but there is usually something weird on my desk… Anyway, Friday has become the day I clean, organize for the upcoming week, and maybe get a project or two done that I didn’t get to earlier in the week. It’s a day of catch up and clean up so that I can truly enjoy the weekend ahead. Because, as I’ve come to realize:

"The world looks a lot nicer with clean windows" ~Grammy

Of course this goes way beyond cleaning windows. I have found that when my space is a mess, my mind quickly follows. It’s not exactly a conscious thing either. It’s waking up to a pile of clothes on the floor and just letting the pile get bigger as I can’t decide what to wear for the day. It’s realizing I forgot to hang that dress back in the closet and throwing it on top of the pile is so much easier than shoving it in my overstuffed closet because it’s late and I want to go to bed. It’s digging through the pile on my desk for that one clipboard with my lesson plan on it that has now gone missing. It’s realizing my water bottle is still waiting to be washed but now I need to leave or I’m going to be late. It’s remembering my bathing suit is still hanging on the line and it’s supposed to rain tonight. All these little things start adding up, making my everyday life feel like more of a mess than it already did. And my life often feels like a bit of a mess. It feels like there’s nothing I can do to clean it either. How do I clean the things I have little or no control over? But I do have control over something.

"My life was a mess... But I could clean my room" ~To All The Boys I've Loved Before

So, I added cleaning to my schedule. Because life is busy, work takes up so much of my time, family takes up the rest, cleaning becomes an afterthought if I don’t add it to the calendar. Sure, it still piles up sometimes, not every Friday offers the time needed to clean up every mess I happen to make over the week, especially if the week involves any sort of costume… but it helps keep it from getting out of control without monopolizing my weekend. I need time to enjoy life too. Life will always be a bit of a mess, there’s no escaping it, but we can always do our best to keep the messes we can clean up under control. And it doesn’t have to feel like such a chore either. Cleaning up can be freeing, rewarding, sometimes it can even be fun.

"Life is a mess and a miracle. So pick up a broom and dance" ~The Rise And Fall Of Mount Majestic

And before you know it, you’ll be able to see the floor, you’ll find that thing you were missing, you’ll remember why those sand toys are on your desk, you’ll see the world through clean windows, and you’ll realize maybe your life isn’t such a mess after all, especially since tomorrow, well, tomorrow it’ll be Saturday.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Little Guy Day


Thursday has a lot of meanings for me. It tends to be a pretty heavy workday so I can have a fun weekend, it often meant finding live music or doing some writing, it has a strange connection to food, and for some reason I associate it with pirates… but recently Thursday has become a day for children. And that is what I’ve decided to focus on for this particular day of the week.

When my nephew (son of my “sister by choice”) needed a babysitter, I was hesitant at first, it would mean getting up early and I am certainly not a morning person, but I really only hesitated a second because I love my nephew. So, Thursdays became known as “little guy day” and it’s been that way for a year now.

Watching him grow and turn into his own little person has been such a blessing. I’ve grown to know his quirks and his tells of when he needs a nap. I’ve learned what upsets him and when he’s overwhelmed. I know what brings him joy and I smile because they’re a lot of the same things that make me happy too. Rubber ducks, grilled cheese sandwiches, Irish music. I only see him once, sometimes twice a week, but I realize I’ve had such a big influence on him. Some directly, some because his mother practically grew up at my house and I influenced her. I’ve certainly taught him a lot, but then I realize, he’s had a huge impact on me too.

You can learn a lot from kids. They don’t know what society thinks is normal; all they know is what is normal for them. Imagination is allowed to run wild, naps are the norm for when they’re grumpy and need a break, cuddling a stuffed animal or wanting their mom is an acceptable method of soothing. They don’t know if it’s weird to get super excited over a tiny thing. They don’t know if it’s weird to want to see the same movie or listen to the same book 100 times in a row. They don’t know if it’s weird that they liked this food yesterday but today it just doesn’t taste good. And we just roll with it as adults because; they’re kids, that’s what they do. What if, instead of giving them a pass because they’re kids, we gave it to them simply because they’re human? And what if we gave a pass to each other because, kid or adult, we’re all human?

Humans are allowed to get excited about things that seem boring or insignificant to others. We’re allowed to enjoy the same thing over and over because it brings us comfort. We are allowed to change our minds about what foods we like. We are allowed to take a nap or a break when we get overwhelmed. We’re allowed to want our mom or a favorite stuffed animal when we’re upset. We’re even allowed to play. Right…?

We should be allowed all these things, but I’ve found it’s not the case for adults. We’re told to grow up or get over it. We’re allowed to do all these things as kids, it becomes our norm, part of our identity, but then we’re expected to just grow out of it. Well, maybe we shouldn’t. Maybe we’d all be a little happier if we held onto that childhood innocence, creativity, and determination. Maybe if we held onto what made being a kid great, we’d be better adults.

My cousin is starting school this fall, and she’ll be getting off the bus at my house once a week. Ironically, it happens to also be Thursdays. So, my Thursdays are now officially for the kids in my life. I will watch them grow, teach them new things, let them teach me things, I will smile as they find joy in discovering this world we live in, and I will encourage my inner child to make an appearance more often. I hope you have some kids in your life who remind you being “childish” isn’t always a bad thing. I hope you have days full of pirate ships and superheroes and watching Disney movies cuddled on the couch, whether there are kids involved or not. I, for one, will be looking forward to all the adventures to come in my “little guy days” and now my “little girl days” otherwise known as Thursdays.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Day Of Rest


The world is spinning, work refuses to take a break, family and friends need attention, suddenly it feels like the week is 8 days long and not one of them is free. No matter who you are, what your job is, or what your life is like, no one can maintain that. Everyone needs a day of rest. Even God, who created the entire universe and every little thing in it, had a day of rest and asks us to do the same. The way our society is set up makes this complicated, but even more important. For most, this day of rest has been Sunday. That’s just become the expectation. But what if you work on Sundays? What if Sunday is when you have to take care of all the housework? What if Sunday is just not a day you can rest? But did you ever stop to consider that day of rest doesn’t have to be a Sunday? Maybe for you, like me, it’s on a Wednesday.

I never intended for Wednesdays to become what they have. I didn’t set out and say “I will take Wednesdays off” It was never on purpose. But somewhere along the way that’s exactly what happened. My college classes, my work schedule, my body’s natural rhythm just all synchronized to give me Wednesdays off, for several years in a row. So, here we are, with Wednesdays becoming my Day Of Rest.

As I get older and my responsibilities become more and more demanding, I realize my brain is having a hard time keeping up. This has always been the case to some extent. I usually worked my school schedule to give myself an “easy day” where I got to only work on the subject I enjoyed. Or as a teenager and young adult I’d make sure to get my work done, but also balance it with things I wanted to do like play computer games or work on my writing. Without realizing it I was balancing my responsibilities with the breaks I needed. Now, however, in the midst of several jobs and other adult responsibilities, finding that balance without physically putting it on my calendar has become impossible. Even then it’s a challenge.

With more responsibilities comes more possibility for burnout. In my case (autistic, read more about that in previous posts) the possibility and aftermath of reaching that stage is even more severe. I can’t just go on a vacation or have an afternoon off and be ready to go for another month, another week, or even just a day. Depending on how many things are on my plate and how long it’s been since I had a proper break, the length and type of rest needed to function may differ. And if I don’t get it, my brain gets foggy, my body gets slower, my emotions climb to the surface, and once I start to slip into a breakdown there’s no telling when I might be able to function properly again, proving to be no help to anyone until the proper rest is had.

My day of rest usually includes having time totally to myself to rest physically, but also mentally and spiritually. Time to focus on God: read the Bible, pray, and spend time in his presence. Time to focus on my body and its needs: Exercise, being intentional about eating good food and at the right times, waking up and going to bed at my usual times instead of messing with it for the sake of schedule. And focus on things that bring me joy: Writing, organizing things, working on one of many hobbies, spending time in nature. If you know me personally, you would recognize this plan as my daily challenge this year, and you’d be right. I do my best to make each of these things a priority every day, not just on my day of rest, and I encourage you to do the same. However, my day of rest is when I focus solely on these things and nothing else. I give myself time to really get sucked into my different tasks rather than putting my day on a timer.

I know this sounds like an impossible task, finding a day when you can focus solely on yourself, but I promise you it’s worth it. God tells us we should work, and be there for our friends and family, and love strangers and enemies alike, but He also tells us to rest. To take a break from work and other obligations and focus on Him. He doesn’t demand it has to be a Sunday, or a Saturday, or one Tuesday a month. Maybe for you, like me, it’s Wednesday.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Twister Tuesday


“One of those ways being to drop him right into a life-threatening situation. Or, as he usually called it, a Tuesday.” ~ Once Upon The End, James Riley

New York State recently had quite the week of Life Threatening Situations. Technically it started on a Wednesday, but for me it started on a Tuesday. We had a string of thunder storms that produced tornadoes. We had several within a 30 mile radius of our house and one only a couple miles away. Our power was out for days, buildings destroyed, businesses closed down and will have to move locations in order to reopen. The states tornado count for the month of July jumped up to 22 which was completely unheard of. We get a bad storm now and then, we’ve had close calls with small tornadoes before, but this was truly bizarre for us.

Thinking back, I have been hit with some rough Tuesdays several weeks in a row this summer. And when the next Tuesday came around and people were still recovering from the storms a week before, I was hit with a new fear of Tuesdays. Were Tuesdays just going to continue throwing me into life-threatening situations? Or at least life-altering ones?

That feeling changed when I met up with my friends that Tuesday night. We talked about what was going on in our lives, we were honest about what was worrying us, we laughed with each other, and most importantly we took a moment to pray. God blessed me with these amazing girls to help me though the storms. He uses the people in my life to keep me safe and sane and I am grateful for that.

I hope God has blessed you with people to help you through your rough days. Someone who will remind you that tomorrow is another day, and that God is in control. My friends reminded me of that on that Tuesday night. I know God is with me always, especially on the life-threatening and life-altering days, or as I usually call it, a Tuesday.

Monday, July 22, 2024



I don’t have Mondays very often. I mean, obviously I have Mondays as in the week starts with Monday, but I don’t have what everyone dreads as Monday. Start of the week, back to work, just a blah feeling. My schedule has always allowed for a slow start to my Monday so that my weekend doesn’t end quite so abruptly.

Well… Today was a Monday in every sense of the word. I woke up not feeling well. My whole day I was just in a fog. I couldn’t convince myself to do anything. I get in the car and the radio is talking about the blah Monday feeling. I realize I forgot my water. There’s a power transformer on fire on my way out of town. Not long after I’m informed (not surprisingly) that our power is out… again… The pool was absolutely freezing. I was so cold I audibly shivered through my whole second class.

It becomes increasingly apparent that my coworker is having just as much of a Monday as I am. Neither of us knows what we’re doing or what comes next, we’re both freezing, so we just laugh it off and make the kids swim. I joked with her that it would take all three of us instructors to make one competent one for the last class of the night. She agreed with a laugh.

Something about realizing we were both having a Monday made it a little more bearable. We were able to laugh about it and do the best we could. I think sometimes that’s what we need. Someone to say yeah, I’m having a hard day too, let’s make the best of it.

I hope you didn’t have as much of a Monday as I did, but if you did, I hope you had someone to laugh about it with. And if not, well, as I told my coworker as I left work, I hope tomorrow will be less of a Monday. Which I hope is true because it’ll be a Tuesday.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Just Keep Walking

In bible study this week we ended up on the topic of walking God’s path and how, in the beginning especially, it can feel really difficult. Am I doing it right? Do I know enough about the bible to have this conversation? Why am I still struggling so much with sin? The questions outnumber the answers and we just continue stumbling along this path full of weeds, rocks, and tree roots.

I know what it means when we say we’re walking God’s path for our lives. What I didn’t know, was that the Greek word for walk in this context, peripateĊ, doesn’t really refer to walking one long path. It actually means to walk around, to walk the same path over and over again. This made me see my walk with God differently. We’re not walking one long continuous path; we’re walking to God over and over again. We’re breaking down the weeds, pushing the rocks into the dirt, wearing down the tree roots, until the path is smooth and clear. Following God is like a muscle that needs to be exercised, or a path that needs continuous tending. Life may never get easier, but walking God’s path will if we just keep walking.

As the conversation went on my mind did what it always does, making connections and continuing the analogy. What happens when we stop walking a particular path? The weeds take over, rocks find their way back, and new trees grow, before long the path isn’t so easy to walk anymore. Suddenly we’re stumbling our way along all over again. Maybe we say we went for a walk yesterday, so we don’t need to go today. Maybe we only go once a week because life is busy and we don’t feel like getting out of bed. Maybe we stop walking all together. If we stop walking, stop tending the path, stop walking with God, the weeds will grow up around us and life becomes so much harder to walk through.

So keep walking. Keep walking until reading your bible isn’t a chore anymore. Keep walking until the songs you’re singing aren’t just words on a page. Keep walking until your prayers flow freely. Keep walking until God answers those prayers. Keep walking until the gifts God has given you are so strong you can’t help but use them. Keep walking until the joy in your heart is so much you need to let it overflow onto everyone around you. Keep walking until a conversation with God becomes as natural as a conversation with your best friend. Keep walking until you feel God walking beside you, because he always is. Keep walking until the path is so worn that others can follow in your footsteps and find the same amazing God you have.


