Monday, July 22, 2024



I don’t have Mondays very often. I mean, obviously I have Mondays as in the week starts with Monday, but I don’t have what everyone dreads as Monday. Start of the week, back to work, just a blah feeling. My schedule has always allowed for a slow start to my Monday so that my weekend doesn’t end quite so abruptly.

Well… Today was a Monday in every sense of the word. I woke up not feeling well. My whole day I was just in a fog. I couldn’t convince myself to do anything. I get in the car and the radio is talking about the blah Monday feeling. I realize I forgot my water. There’s a power transformer on fire on my way out of town. Not long after I’m informed (not surprisingly) that our power is out… again… The pool was absolutely freezing. I was so cold I audibly shivered through my whole second class.

It becomes increasingly apparent that my coworker is having just as much of a Monday as I am. Neither of us knows what we’re doing or what comes next, we’re both freezing, so we just laugh it off and make the kids swim. I joked with her that it would take all three of us instructors to make one competent one for the last class of the night. She agreed with a laugh.

Something about realizing we were both having a Monday made it a little more bearable. We were able to laugh about it and do the best we could. I think sometimes that’s what we need. Someone to say yeah, I’m having a hard day too, let’s make the best of it.

I hope you didn’t have as much of a Monday as I did, but if you did, I hope you had someone to laugh about it with. And if not, well, as I told my coworker as I left work, I hope tomorrow will be less of a Monday. Which I hope is true because it’ll be a Tuesday.

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