Sunday, November 1, 2020

Costumes And Characters: Dragon


A dragon. A fierce, fire breathing, elegant, strong creature known to inspire the imagination and bring both admiration and fear to those lucky enough to see one. Why is a dragon this year’s character outlining the chapters of my life? Well, for anyone who’s been keeping up on my Costumes And Characters  posts, you may realize that this is actually a continuation of another character from a couple years back. The Enchantress.

The Enchantress is a quiet, brave, caring, smart, strong, but broken lady who, you guessed it, likes to turn into a dragon. So the dragon character is not all that different then Crystal the Enchantress, as they are the same being after all. But that is kind of the point of this whole series is it not? Realizing that I am also every one of these characters? So, why am I a dragon now?

This year has been hard on everyone. And that is not even an exaggeration. Life just keeps kicking us while we’re already down. I can’t even begin to write a list of all the ways life just keeps throwing flaming arrows at me and those around me. I’ve been calling “plot twist!” a bit too often these days… For some, they have let themselves get bruised and bloody, taking hit after hit. Others turn to anger and try to use it as a way to strike back, but you can’t be in a sword fight without also getting stabbed. But some, some choose instead to put on their armor to protect what is inside so they can be brave and strong despite the battle that is 2020. Much like a dragons hard scales are meant to protect.

For a while I was letting myself get bloody and beaten, then I turned to anger for a while, but now I realize I need to protect what is inside me before I worry about the problems of the world. I need to build up armor around my faith, around my heart, around my mind. And let the fire of the Holy Spirit build up its embers inside me. Only then, when I am protected with the armor of God, armed with the fire of the Holy Spirit, can I face the battle with confidence. Just as a dragon flies into battle, knowing its scales and fire will protect it from the enemy.

I may not be ready to take off in flight just yet, but I am stretching my wings and building up my armor. I will fight this battle with truth, with love, with faith, with all the tools God gives me to fight the enemies flaming arrows. And I encourage you to do the same. This dragon will be ready to fly soon, knowing her God is protecting her, fighting right alongside her. A fierce, graceful, strong creature, ready to take on the world with a fire burning in her heart.

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