Monday, June 15, 2020

Team Smile

We had just finished swim lessons for the day and all the kids had run off down the beach, leaving us to clean up on our own. It was a group of three of us, myself and two amazing ladies, teaching swim lessons to the island kids in Roatan. As we smiled away at the successful lesson, and the joy of having the opportunity to do what we were doing, one of the ladies dubbed us with the name “Team Smile” and that’s what we called ourselves for the remainder of the trip. 

I have always known the power of a smile. I try to smile to anyone I pass on the street, to my friends and family as much as possible, and I try to make others smile. Smiles are contagious and they spread positivity and good feelings like wild fire. And the best smiles? The ones that come with the joy only God can give. When you’re right where you’re supposed to be, doing exactly what you’re supposed to be doing like my “Team Smile” was doing with those kids that day. 

Today (6/15/20) is Smile Power Day. Though I try to show the power of a smile every day, this is a day where I try to remind people to make someone smile. To spread the joyful power to all around them. Only… a conversation I had with my mom the other day keeps popping into my mind. We can’t see anyone’s smile right now. With everyone wearing masks it makes smiling almost… pointless… It takes away the power. Literally covers it up. It makes passing someone in the isle of the grocery store so… impersonal… it disconnects us from the people around us to such an extent that I think we are all feeling the effects but can’t quite explain why. But we can’t let that stop us! 

I encourage you to share a smile with someone today and every day. Get creative, make someone smile even if you can’t see it and they can’t see yours. Create your own Team Smile by spreading the joy. A Smile is a powerful thing, far too powerful to hide away!

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