Tuesday, April 21, 2020


What would you do if you only had eight months left on this earth? Strange question, I know, especially considering recent events; but it’s something I’ve been thinking a lot about recently. What would I do if I only had a few months left? If tomorrow wasn’t promised? Which it’s not. We don’t know what tomorrow will bring. We don’t know what the next second will bring let alone next year. So why do we pretend we do? And why don’t we take advantage of every second we have? 

I’ve been watching this show called No Tomorrow and it’s about just that. This guy has this theory that an asteroid is going to collide with earth in eight months. So he writes what he calls an “Apocalist” which is a list of all the things he wants to do before the earth explodes. A bucket-list of sorts. Some of the things are downright absurd, like breaking stuff for no reason; some are real things, like talking to his father who he had fallen out with. He makes it a mission to seize every day and encourage others to do the same.

This attitude is one I’ve strived for in the past but also struggle with daily, especially recently. I have just returned from an amazing adventure in another country full of exciting new things and challenges. I thought I would be able to keep that exciting momentum going once I got home, but my body had other plans as stress caught up with me from all that has been going on in the world lately. But that’s no reason to stop! My mind is racing with all the things I want to do, ready for the next adventure. Just because I can’t do it right this moment doesn’t mean I shouldn’t plan for it.

This world is full of things I haven’t seen or done. Full of places I want to go, things I want to do, adventures I want to have, and maybe a regret or two I want to fix. And I know you probably can say the same. So what are you waiting for? What am I waiting for? Before we know it, it could be too late. I’m going to write my own version of an “Apocolist” and I hope you will join me in doing so. We may not be able to cross off the travel related goals for a while, like trips to see the northern lights, or Paris, or a road trip across the country, or to an island in the Caribbean; but I’m sure we’ve all got other things that we can cross off. Like finally cleaning that room you’ve been meaning to, or finally read that book, or write that book, or talk to that person you’ve been avoiding but know you should talk to, or work on that catio you’ve been promising your cat for two years… Life is short. Tomorrow isn’t promised. What good is this amazing life we’ve been blessed with if we aren’t going to live it?

What’s on your list?

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