Saturday, February 22, 2020

New Coat Of Paint

Worship music filling the house, paint cans and brushes scattered over the floor, concentrating as I guide the brush along the trim, covering the old with the new. A friend of mine had just acquired a house that she could call her own. Her excitement was contagious and she invited me over to help her with some painting. The house was in desperate need of some work, new door, patching some holes, a paint job. So after she had sanded it down and fixed a few things she was ready to paint. And I was itching to do just that.

I had been getting overwhelmed and a bit stressed out with a bit too much flexibility for my liking. I knew I needed a bit of a break, something I could control, something normal. We were singing along to the Christian music, talking about what music festivals we had been to, when I realized this was just what I needed. I needed a new coat of paint. I watched as the fresh creamy white paint covered the old brown wood, giving it new life, and realized what a difference a new coat of paint can make. Sure the door still needed to be fixed, there was no oven, no furniture, but with the fresh paint the house looked so inviting. 

There are days when I feel so bright and fresh and ready to do Gods work, but there are other days when I’m just so worn out and tired, frustrated and stressed from simply living life from day to day. My paint gets worn down by being beat up or simply not being refreshed often enough. I refuse to slow down and take a break, but sometimes we need to stop and let God give us a paint job.

I wasn’t exactly planning on painting, and I certainly didn’t know it would be God’s way of giving me a much needed break. I find it relaxing to paint trim, careful not to get the paint where it’s not supposed to be; being precise. And just allowing myself to be in His presence, singing out about his love and not caring whether I’m on key or not, works wonders on my mental health. God was repainting me today. He was stripping away my burdens and just letting me feel his love, refreshing my heart. Painting my face with a smile and my soul with a brightness that leaves others wondering just why that girl’s so full of life. I’m ready to face the days ahead with a new coat of paint, are you?

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