Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Friends In Far Places

“A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.” ~ Tim Cahill

My family has always liked to travel. Camping trips, driving to Florida, family reunions, cruising, and most recently trips to Roatan Honduras. We just got home from a three week trip to Roatan where my family is building an Eco Lodge called The Runaway Pineapple. We love to travel and love to meet new people wherever we go. But the problem with meeting new people on vacation is that, chances are, you live nowhere near each other once you’re back home again.

So what do you do? The people we meet on vacation are the people who make our vacations amazing, but will we just never see them again? Three years ago we were on the island and met many awesome people. They made our time there unforgettable. A few of them we haven’t heard from since, and a few we still talk to and have even seen since then. This most recent trip is the same story. We met some awesome people, but will we ever see them again?

So if, chances are, we won’t see the people we meet on vacation again, does that mean we should keep them at a distance? Not get too close because we’ll probably never see each other again? These people are the difference between just another trip and an amazing vacation. Don’t treat those vacation friends just as that, people you will only see on vacation. Treat them as friends. If they’re people you think you really want to keep in your life when the vacations over, then don’t be afraid to keep the relationship going! Keep in touch!

I know how hard a long distance friendship can be. I have some good friends who have moved away and we struggle to keep in touch. I also met some really good friends on vacation and, even though it's really hard to stay friends due to the long distance between us, I honestly can say I wouln't be who I am without having met them and I am so glad we've managed to stay friends after the vacation was over.

“A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.” ~ Tim Cahill. Those vacation friends are the reason the vacation was amazing, so why let them disappear when the trip comes to an end? Don’t let those vacation friends slip away!

Do you have a story about someone you met on vacation? I would love to hear it!

Thank you Delta's napkin for the inspiration

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