Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Twister Tuesday


“One of those ways being to drop him right into a life-threatening situation. Or, as he usually called it, a Tuesday.” ~ Once Upon The End, James Riley

New York State recently had quite the week of Life Threatening Situations. Technically it started on a Wednesday, but for me it started on a Tuesday. We had a string of thunder storms that produced tornadoes. We had several within a 30 mile radius of our house and one only a couple miles away. Our power was out for days, buildings destroyed, businesses closed down and will have to move locations in order to reopen. The states tornado count for the month of July jumped up to 22 which was completely unheard of. We get a bad storm now and then, we’ve had close calls with small tornadoes before, but this was truly bizarre for us.

Thinking back, I have been hit with some rough Tuesdays several weeks in a row this summer. And when the next Tuesday came around and people were still recovering from the storms a week before, I was hit with a new fear of Tuesdays. Were Tuesdays just going to continue throwing me into life-threatening situations? Or at least life-altering ones?

That feeling changed when I met up with my friends that Tuesday night. We talked about what was going on in our lives, we were honest about what was worrying us, we laughed with each other, and most importantly we took a moment to pray. God blessed me with these amazing girls to help me though the storms. He uses the people in my life to keep me safe and sane and I am grateful for that.

I hope God has blessed you with people to help you through your rough days. Someone who will remind you that tomorrow is another day, and that God is in control. My friends reminded me of that on that Tuesday night. I know God is with me always, especially on the life-threatening and life-altering days, or as I usually call it, a Tuesday.

Monday, July 22, 2024



I don’t have Mondays very often. I mean, obviously I have Mondays as in the week starts with Monday, but I don’t have what everyone dreads as Monday. Start of the week, back to work, just a blah feeling. My schedule has always allowed for a slow start to my Monday so that my weekend doesn’t end quite so abruptly.

Well… Today was a Monday in every sense of the word. I woke up not feeling well. My whole day I was just in a fog. I couldn’t convince myself to do anything. I get in the car and the radio is talking about the blah Monday feeling. I realize I forgot my water. There’s a power transformer on fire on my way out of town. Not long after I’m informed (not surprisingly) that our power is out… again… The pool was absolutely freezing. I was so cold I audibly shivered through my whole second class.

It becomes increasingly apparent that my coworker is having just as much of a Monday as I am. Neither of us knows what we’re doing or what comes next, we’re both freezing, so we just laugh it off and make the kids swim. I joked with her that it would take all three of us instructors to make one competent one for the last class of the night. She agreed with a laugh.

Something about realizing we were both having a Monday made it a little more bearable. We were able to laugh about it and do the best we could. I think sometimes that’s what we need. Someone to say yeah, I’m having a hard day too, let’s make the best of it.

I hope you didn’t have as much of a Monday as I did, but if you did, I hope you had someone to laugh about it with. And if not, well, as I told my coworker as I left work, I hope tomorrow will be less of a Monday. Which I hope is true because it’ll be a Tuesday.