Monday, January 10, 2022



Suddenly, as I sat there on the couch at my friend’s house, he was doing something in the kitchen; I started to see this… glow… about him. I know it sounds weird, absurd even, but I have a gift. A gift I believe God has given me. This gift has gotten me in trouble a few times but I also call it a blessing. There are times; sometimes right when I meet someone or maybe after we get to know each other a bit, when I get this feeling, deep in my heart, that I know who this person is. Really really know them. I can sense who God wants them to be, who God has created them to be. I can see the glow God has put inside of them, often times before they do. And knowing that can really play tricks on my mind and heart.

Imagine this. You have gone to the future and seen who someone will be; the person God has called them to be. They are thriving and happy and exactly where God wants them. But then you come back to the present and the person standing in front of you simply isn’t that person yet. So when they do something stupid, or hurtful, it catches you off guard because that’s not the person you thought you knew. “You’re not who I thought you were” takes on a whole new meaning… That happens to me quite often. And it’s tricky to make sure I don’t hold present day them to future them standards. If that makes sense…

For those of you who read my blog you have read I Fell In Love Once, well this particular gift was part of the reason I got myself in trouble. I fell in love with the guy he would become but I continued to be hurt by the boy he was at the time. God wasn’t done with him yet, he’s not done with any of us. We are all a work in progress. But sometimes that future person shows through. Sometimes I can see it as clear as day and sometimes its hidden in the dark. It tricks me into forgetting which version of them I’m dealing with. And it often drives me crazy when I can see it but they aren’t making an effort to let it shine through which usually leads to some… complicated arguments.

My point? God has a plan for all of us. And even as we fall short of that plan, there are people in our lives who see us for who God has created us to be. Some of them stand by us as we struggle to get there, while others are meant to give a nudge in the right direction before disappearing again. Be sensitive to those nudges. God won’t force you to do something, but He will put people in your path who will encourage you to follow him. They will see that glow in you and want nothing more than to watch it envelope you fully, lighting up your face with the joy only God can give. Don’t be afraid to let that light shine.