Monday, June 22, 2020

Unconditional Love

“I love you” three words that can mean so much but, sometimes, mean nothing. They can hold all the significance in the world, or be a hollow shell meant to deceive and prove a devotion that simply isn’t there. Love, real unconditional love, is nearly impossible to find these days. Love isn’t, I’d be surprised if I came across a person who never loved a single person in their life. But I’m talking real love, unconditional love. Love without conditions. Hence the term, “unconditional.”

So what is unconditional love? It’s love that isn’t based on behavior, actions, or words. Love that is there no matter how we feel about someone at this particular moment. No matter how many times they screw up or hurt us. Even if you don’t agree with their choices or who they hang out with, you still love them. No question. Of course that doesn’t mean you have to stop pointing them in the right direction, and it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be hurt when they refuse, it also doesn’t mean that you can’t give them space if they hurt you (especially if God is telling you to do so, it’s ok to love from a distance sometimes) but it does mean you love them regardless. And make sure they know you love them.

So why do I say this doesn’t exist as much as it should? Because how many times have you heard people devote their lives to each other only to split ways a few months later over some stupid argument? How many times do you hear about a kid equating their parents love to their good grades? How many times have you been guilty of telling someone you loved them, only to realize you didn’t after they did something stupid? How many times have we given each other ultimatums? Conditions for our “unconditional” love? How many of us are guilty of saying “I love you” out of habit, only for the words to become hollow and meaningless? And the more we misuse the word love, the harder it becomes to recognize, and know how to give, the real kind of love. No wonder it’s so hard for people (myself included) to accept God’s love sometimes…

So why is love so common but unconditional love, the love demonstrated to us by God, so rare? It’s because there is a disconnect between the two. A miss-definition if you will. In order to know and show true love, you must first understand Gods love. So what is love? It’s often described as a feeling, usually reserved for family or a romantic relationship. But God’s love isn’t just a fleeting feeling. God IS Love. If God can physically BE love then it can’t just be a feeling because feelings come and go. God’s love never leaves us. So if God’s love isn’t a feeling, what is it? God is love. It’s a part of him. It’s a lifestyle. And if something is a part of you it doesn’t just go away. And if God is love, and we are created in his image, then love must also be a part of us right?

In my experience I have always loved people, most would say deeper then I should. I’ve gotten hurt on multiple occasions because of it yet I keep diving headfirst into more relationships. Even after I promise myself I won’t let myself get hurt like that again… So why do I do it? Because it’s become a part of me rather than just a passing feeling. I can’t not love. I can be frustrated, or disappointed, or even really not like someone’s actions, but I can’t make my heart stop loving them. I’ve let God take over and trust that he will protect my heart while still allowing me to love, fully love, the people he puts in my life.

So how do we tap into that? How do we switch our definition of love over to Gods definition of love? I believe God has called us to love all of his people. No matter what. Unconditionally. And I think in order to fully grasp the concept of Unconditional love, God’s love, we have to pull away from the notion that love is just a feeling and a word. We have to redirect our thinking and realize love is an action, love is a lifestyle, love is God. Love is a part of us, not just something we say or feel. God loves us unconditionally, right where we’re at, so I will continue to love his people the only way I know how. No conditions attached. 

Start a conversation! How would you describe unconditional love? Have you ever experienced it? Do you have any suggestions on how to live it? How to make it a lifestyle rather than just a word? Please share! And if you like what you're reading, please share my blog and go like my writing page on Facebook at Jessica Page.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Team Smile

We had just finished swim lessons for the day and all the kids had run off down the beach, leaving us to clean up on our own. It was a group of three of us, myself and two amazing ladies, teaching swim lessons to the island kids in Roatan. As we smiled away at the successful lesson, and the joy of having the opportunity to do what we were doing, one of the ladies dubbed us with the name “Team Smile” and that’s what we called ourselves for the remainder of the trip. 

I have always known the power of a smile. I try to smile to anyone I pass on the street, to my friends and family as much as possible, and I try to make others smile. Smiles are contagious and they spread positivity and good feelings like wild fire. And the best smiles? The ones that come with the joy only God can give. When you’re right where you’re supposed to be, doing exactly what you’re supposed to be doing like my “Team Smile” was doing with those kids that day. 

Today (6/15/20) is Smile Power Day. Though I try to show the power of a smile every day, this is a day where I try to remind people to make someone smile. To spread the joyful power to all around them. Only… a conversation I had with my mom the other day keeps popping into my mind. We can’t see anyone’s smile right now. With everyone wearing masks it makes smiling almost… pointless… It takes away the power. Literally covers it up. It makes passing someone in the isle of the grocery store so… impersonal… it disconnects us from the people around us to such an extent that I think we are all feeling the effects but can’t quite explain why. But we can’t let that stop us! 

I encourage you to share a smile with someone today and every day. Get creative, make someone smile even if you can’t see it and they can’t see yours. Create your own Team Smile by spreading the joy. A Smile is a powerful thing, far too powerful to hide away!