Friday, July 13, 2018

Rest In Peace Dear Bridge

RIP dear Pooh Sticks Bridge. You were the location of many lovely childhood memories. Playing Pooh Sticks, watching as our carefully chosen stick would drift down to the water below. Then running to the other side, careful to watch for cars of course, to see whose stick would make it under you first and appear on the other side. Then there were the times we would kick sand down the drainage hole, mesmerized by listening to it make that lovely sound as all the little grains and small rocks hit the water below. Watching as the rocks plopped into the water, making delicate ripples in the water always moving.

Then there were the times I would use your perfect positioning to attack the tubers below with my water gun. Your height and concrete wall being the perfect spot to hide from any who dare fight back. Then there were photo shoots, walks with friends, and long phone calls. And yes, still some games of Pooh Sticks even as we grew older.

Then, as I grew older still, sadly whether I won at Pooh Sticks or not was the least of my worries. So I took to sitting on your strong concrete wall to watch my reflection, reflecting on life. Watching and listening to the serine wildlife that surrounds you, remembering a time when that very spot was filled with the sound of childish laughter. Not a care in the world but winning at Pooh Sticks. And as I grew I found your wall grew so much shorter, and you were growing older as I was. The green moss growing thick atop the stone and your cracks growing ever longer.

It has been a wonderful 20 years dear bridge, but sadly all things must come to an end eventually. The sweet reminder of my childhood now only found in my mind. Now I must let you go and make room for a new bridge that will be built in your place. But you will live on forever in my heart and mind dear Pooh Sticks Bridge. Perhaps your now crumpled pieces will be given new life; perhaps you will have the chance to hear the sound of children’s laughter yet again. I can only hope…

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