Sunday, September 25, 2016

Car Trouble

I was driving home from work when I stopped at a red light. Then, when the light turned green Spiffy, my car, decided he didn't want to go anywhere. I was stuck. He claimed his battery was dead and refused to do anything. So there I was, all by myself on a busy street with a car that wouldn't go anywhere. I couldn't push it out of the way by myself. I took a deep breath and tried to restart it. Nothing. I watched as cars got antsy behind me and I waved them on, telling them to go around. And I watched as the green light turned red again and back to green.

I tried to call my dad but he didn't answer. Apparently he had gone out and forgot his phone. So I called the owner of the Bed and Breakfast I work at, I had just left from there and it wasn't too far away so I figured they could come help fastest, she said they would be right there. I had a few strangers stop to make sure I was alright while I waited for them to come. I felt relief knowing I could tell them I had help coming. Then one of my mom's co-workers from forever ago showed up to help, he was on his way home from work and saw me. The four of us managed to get my car to the side of the road and I called AAA so I could get it towed to my mechanic. I later found out that one of my best friends was right across the street the whole time and she came over to wait for the tow truck with me.

Within seconds I was alone with a car stuck in the middle of the road, and within seconds I was surrounded with people, strangers, acquaintances, and friends alike, all ready to help. Over a week later I am still without a car, and when they do figure out what is wrong with it, I have no idea how I’m going to pay for it, but there is still light in this story. I was not in the middle of the intersection. And God certainly used this incident to teach me some very important lessons.

God works in mysterious ways. He certainly used this event to teach me to stay calm and trust Him. And through it He also showed me how many people there are in my life who will help when I need it most. Once I got home I was able to list off at least five more people I could've called who also would have been right there to help. But I also wonder if my car was supposed to break down. Just so I could get some experience with what to do in that situation before I end up in a place where I don’t have anyone nearby who could help. A way to prepare me for the future.

It was certainly a scary experience, and one I hope I won’t have to deal with again any time soon. But now I know how many people are there to help if it does. And I certainly needed a reminder of that. Sometimes God uses the strangest, most random times, like some car trouble, to remind you of the most important things. What has God reminded you of recently?


Saturday, September 10, 2016

9/11 stories

Tomorrow is a significant day in history. Tomorrow is the 15 year anniversary of 9/11. A day where everyone remembers what they were doing. This post is a little different than my previous posts. This one is special. It’s sort of a post leading up to the real post. Being the writer that I am, I am fascinated with stories. So, I want to hear your stories. Where were you on 9/11? What stories do you have? Please share them! Write a comment here or go to my Facebook page at Jessica Page  Send me a message or post it there. Then I would like to compile your stories into a special blog post. If you would like to remain anonymous just let me know and I will honor your request. There is no time limit on when to send your stories in. If they don't make it into this years post I will save them for next year. Let’s help each other remember this day in history!

Update: I did not receive enough stories to compose a blog post this year. But please keep sending your stories and I will put together a post for next year. Thank you to those who shared stories, and I look forward to reading any more stories that people have!