Thursday, August 27, 2015

Nature Walk

I took a walk in the woods yesterday to clear my head. I often do that. Just walk along the trails in the woods on my property and listen to the silence. And before too long that silence is broken. But not with the sounds of people and cars and things, but with the crunch of leaves beneath my feet. The buzz of bees and flies and other insects flying around my head. The chirping of the crickets in the tall grass. The birds singing in the trees. The wind rustling the leaves. That is the kind of silence I like best. It’s natures silence.
And as I walk I begin to notice things. Things I wouldn’t have noticed before in the midst of people and noise. Too many distractions. I hear a rustling by me feet and look down to find a tiny snake slither across the path. I smiled as I watched him disappear among the raspberry bushes. One of Gods most interesting of creatures. It is amazing how a snake can move without legs. He is perfectly and uniquely created so he can fulfill his purpose in life. No one else’s, just his. Then there are the butterflies flying from one spot in the sea of golden rod to another. Once caterpillars, now butterflies. One of the most amazing transformations in all of God’s creation. A row of ants march across the grass, all knowing exactly where they need to go. How can they know? Every one of God’s creations have a purpose. Every single one. Every animal, every plant, and every person. So then why do I find myself wondering if I have a purpose? What is my purpose? When will I know what it is?
A little yellow butterfly flits about my feet. Seemingly without direction. Lost. I feel a bit like that butterfly as I try to find my way in this life. Just flying around trying to decide where to go. So many choices. So many flowers to choose from. Afraid I won’t pick the right one. Afraid I will go the wrong way. Afraid...
I watch the shadows in the forest. Beyond the well-marked path. They begin to frighten me. My heartbeat quickens. Fear of the unknown. Fear of what lies beyond the path that is laid out before me. The path I know is safe and leads straight back home. But if we stay on the same path all our lives for fear of getting lost, then where will we ever go? We will never travel beyond our childhood home. Never explore new things that go beyond that safe path. You must learn to see the beauty in the shadows rather than be afraid of what may lay beyond them. The best adventures hide beyond the shadows. Sometimes we need to take the path into the woods. Not the one that's well mowed and traveled many times before. The new one. One that you make yourself. One meant only for you. And there is where you will find your purpose. That is where I will find my purpose.
Just like the snake and the butterfly and the ants, God has made me with a purpose in mind. He has made each and every one of us with a specific purpose in mind. But if we never stray from the safe path we were on as children, all nicely mowed and with clear boundaries, then how will we ever find that purpose? Eventually we have to decide we don’t have to be afraid of the shadows and what may lay beyond them. Eventually we need to learn that our purpose lays beyond the well-marked path.
Go beyond the well-marked path. That is what I am about to do. I am about to embark on an adventure that will help me find that purpose. Hopefully I will come back with some answers. And hopefully I will come back with some more inspiration for more posts! If you have any stories about when you made the decision to go out on your own and find your purpose I would love to hear them!

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