Saturday, February 21, 2015


"Who goes swimming anyway?" says some random young guy who walks past me in the hallway as I leave work. Finally going home after lifeguarding and teaching swimming lessons.

"I was just swimming earlier" I respond. I had actually found some time to get in the pool and swim. A rare occurrence.

"I don't like water" he says as I walk out the door with a smile on my face, swimming put me in a good mood.

It’s a shame some people don’t enjoy the water like I do. But then I started to wonder, why do I swim? Why on earth do I like to swim? It's such a hassle! I have to change, get in the cold water. Getting out is even worse. Drying off, then going out in the cold with wet hair. So why do I bother? I never want to at first, but then while I’m swimming it is so therapeutic, so refreshing. I feel awesome after I swim. Like it cleared my head of all that was troubling it.

I don't swim nearly as much anymore. I became a lifeguard and a swim instructor and could no longer find the time in my day. I didn’t want to spend more time at the pool than I had to. Then why do I continue to teach swimming lessons and lifeguard if it takes so much time away from my love of swimming? Because it has its own rewards. I have the unique opportunity to show children how swimming can be fun. I can encourage them to do the best they can and more than they ever thought they could. I can praise them when they show improvement. I get excited when they make the jump from hating swimming lessons, or being scared of the water, to loving to swim. Some days are difficult, but some can be incredibly rewarding.

So, “who goes swimming anyway?” I do. And I hope to play a part in helping children want to go swimming too. Maybe that young guy would like to swim if he had a better experience as a child. Maybe I can make the difference between these children loving or hating the water. It’s my place in this world right now, and I take on the challenge proudly.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Valentine's Day

Well, it’s February again! That means Valentine’s Day. The candy hearts have been out since Christmas and the flower shops are getting ready for their big orders. You would think that a fairytale loving girl like myself would love valentine’s day, and I do think it has its good qualities, but in general I can’t stand it. It’s the day where the love birds show their love to each other and the people who haven’t found that special someone yet feel incredibly left out.

The most obvious reason I don’t like Valentine’s Day is that, like many people, I don’t have that love of my life to celebrate the day with yet. It is just a day that reminds me that I still haven’t found my prince charming yet. It is a day that almost forces you to have a boyfriend or girlfriend just so you aren’t the one person who isn’t doing something romantic on Valentine’s Day, which I find to be ridiculous and disgusting. True, I long for the day when my prince charming will get me flowers on Valentine’s Day. But I want to wait for him; I want him to be the right Prince Charming, not someone I picked out just so I didn’t feel left out on some random day in February.

But once someone finds that special someone to show their love to on Valentine’s Day, why does it only have to be on February 14th? If you really love someone you do not need a specific day to show it. You should show your love for that special someone every day of the year. And who said Valentine’s Day had to be a day to only show love to your girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, or wife? Why not show love to your family and friends? Everyone deserves to know that someone is thinking about them on Valentine’s Day, and every other day for that matter.

So, this fairytale loving girl will go another Valentine’s Day without finding her Prince Charming, but that won’t stop me from showing everyone else in my life that I love them this Valentine’s Day, and every other day. I hope that you will do the same. Whether you have found your special someone yet or not, show everyone you love them. Whether it be on February 14th, June 23rd, October 5th, or any other random day, never let a day go by without letting the people you love know that you love them. It is easy to forget sometimes, but it means so much.