Thursday, December 14, 2023

Daily Challenge


They say it takes 30 days to make or break a habit. At least, I think I’ve heard that somewhere. Either way it sounds about right. 30 days, 1 month. So what do you think you could do with 365 days? 12 months of doing the same thing every day could create some real change don’t you think? Well, I certainly think so, and I’ve got proof.

For the past several years, nearing 10 years actually, I’ve been doing daily challenges. Sometimes they’re private goals, things I need to work on for myself. Sometimes they’re more public, announced on Facebook so others can improve right along with me if they so choose.

The first year I wrote a Page A Day in a journal, it encouraged me to really reflect on what was happening in my life every day. Then it was One Good Thing A Day, it made me more positive, even on the bad days. An Adventure A Day helped me take more risks and be more adventurous. The next year is when I started being more public with my challenges. I shared A Quote A Day. It made me really think about what I was reading, and I think it improved my writing too, as some of the quotes were mine. That year was followed by a Bible Verse A Day. By the end of the year, I had read most of the Bible and better understood what it meant. I got closer to God that year and it encouraged me to continue to do so. The next year was so full of darkness I decided to remind everyone that Every Day Is A Reason To Celebrate! I love all the crazy holidays and I got to share that love with all my friends! It brought a little joy to a dark time. I also drew pictures for every day, so I got to work on my artist skills.

Last year was my No Such Thing As Normal Challenge. Every day I shared something about how we’re all different. This was my most in depth challenge yet and I learned so much! I talked about autism, adhd, procrastinators, all the personality types, love language, and more! I learned so much and I know others did too. This year I decided to do a Photo A Day Challenge. Each month held a different theme focusing on a fresh start, love, nature, humility, appreciating the people around me, etc. It opened my eyes to the beautiful world we live in and all the people and things I have to be thankful for. It helped me be creative in my photography too and I think I’ve grown through the process, stopping to really see something long enough to take a picture rather than just let it pass me by.

Each one of my daily challenges has helped me grow into the girl I want to be. Slowly but surely, one day at a time, one month at a time, one year at a time, I grow into who God created me to be. And I take a little bit of each challenge into the following years. Instead of writing in my journal every single day, I make a point to write every couple days. Maybe I don’t write down something good every day, but I catch myself trying to see the positive more than I used to. I don’t share a Bible verse every day, but I do still try to read my Bible or a devotional every day. I understand myself, and others, better now because of my various challenges, and that’s growth that should be continued and shared.

I haven’t totally decided what my daily challenge will be this year, but consider this your encouragement to take on a daily challenge with me. Look at your life and find something you want to work on. Gratitude? Knowledge? Peace? Creativity? Joy? Whatever it is, there’s a daily challenge that can help you get there. Let’s not just start this New Year with high hopes of a better you, let’s end it with real results that will last for years to come.