Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Makes Sense

Something I’ve learned recently is that God doesn’t let me do things that make sense. He never really has. I get ideas in my head that make little sense to others; yet all the sense in the world to me. He continues to push me to challenge what “makes sense” in society and make my own path, his path.

Does it make sense for a girl who’s afraid of being on her own to consider being a military wife? Does it make sense for a guy and a girl to be as close as brother and sister yet only be just that, like siblings, no romantic interest? Even though it guarantees a constant battle of correcting people who think you’d make a lovely couple. Is it worth it? Is it possible? Does it make sense to go down to a Caribbean island and volunteer to teach swim lessons? Even as that very job is deemed “unessential” despite the fact learning to swim is one of the most important skills you can have. Does it make sense to pursue hobbies like writing rather than a career? Even though it makes little money, but is it worth it just for the happiness it brings? Does it make sense to spend countless hours writing little inspiring messages on tags and putting them on ducks just to leave them in random places? Just to bring a little smile to someone’s face? Is it worth the time?

Is it worth it? Does it make sense? No, according to society most things I do don’t make sense. But that’s where God keeps putting me. In the places that don’t make sense. Maybe it’s because I’m willing to go. Maybe it’s because I have such an imagination that I believe the smallest things can make a world of difference. Maybe it’s because I don’t just try to see the best in people, God shows me the best in people and then puts me in the position to help pull it out of them. We can’t all do what makes sense. There have to be those who are willing to challenge the social norms and do what God believes is worth it. After all, most of what Jesus did on earth didn’t make any sense either.

Did it make sense for Jesus to hang out with the drunks and the prostitutes? Everyone thought it was below him and that he was crazy. Was it socially acceptable for him to be friends with women yet not romantically involved? Probably not but he was. Did he have to feed people when they were hungry? No, but he took a little and made it feed the whole crowd. Did it make sense for him to walk on water? No, someone walking on water is far from normal. Did it make sense for him to take just as much time on little miracles few people would see as he did on big showy ones? Did it make sense for him to travel the world and preach and tell his stories rather than stick to his career of being a carpenter? Did it make sense for him to spend time with the children? Weren’t there more important things he should be doing? Jesus was constantly challenging what was considered normal in society. He broke down barriers by doing something as simple as showing kindness to those considered beneath him, to something as complicated as performing miracles that baffled our feeble human minds.

Why do we let ourselves get stuck in a box, confined by what society decides makes sense? Why do they get to decide what makes sense for us? They don’t. God does. And what that is might be different for each of us. So yeah, maybe it doesn’t make sense for me to pursue writing rather than a real job. But Jesus was a storyteller too. Maybe it doesn’t make sense to crochet my little critters, but Jesus knew the importance of reaching out to the children just as much as the adults. Maybe it doesn’t make sense to be best friends with people of all genders and ages, but Jesus loves all of us so why shouldn’t we? Maybe it doesn’t make sense to work so hard to ignite just a spark in someone, but Jesus leaves behind the 99 to find the 1, so why shouldn’t we? Challenge what you consider normal. Find what makes sense for you, not what society deems acceptable. Break down the barriers because they were put there by humans, not by God. Be more like Jesus - he didn’t make sense either.