Friday, November 29, 2019

Backlit Keyboard: An appreciation post

My first computer was supposed to have a backlit keyboard. It never worked. So I just got used to squinting in the dark to see it, having to have a light on, or leaning the screen down so I could actually place my fingers in the proper place. More often than not I ended up typing nonsense words because, though I can type without looking at the keyboard or screen (while carrying on a total separate conversation and occasionally also listening to music) none is helpful if your fingers are two spots over from where they’re supposed to be. 

I am a writer, as you know. And I often do most of my writing in the dark as I am a night owl and my creative mind wakes up at about 10pm (if I can manage to stay up that late without falling asleep, exhausted from the day’s events) So, as you can probably imagine, a backlit keyboard becomes less of a luxury and more of a necessity.

When I was looking for a new computer to replace the nearly ten year old one that was finally dying on me, a backlit keyboard became one of my main criteria. It took me a long time to finally find one that had everything I wanted but I did succeed. I ended up paying quite a bit more for such a luxury, but now that I have it, I can’t imagine living without it! Not when I do as much nighttime writing as I do.

Everyone has those luxuries they want to have to make life easier or more enjoyable. Some may call them unnecessary frills. Trust me, I had plenty of people ask me “Do you really NEED a backlit keyboard if it’s going to cost you that much more money?” but I stuck with my gut and went for it. For some it may be a luxury, for me it is a necessity. Be sensitive to others needs, they will be different then your own. 

So thank you my backlit keyboard for helping me become the writer God has called me to be. Perhaps I will actually finish that book I’ve been working on… One can always hope…