Monday, October 21, 2019

Prince Not Guaranteed

I was at work later than usual the other day, I had been sticking around for longer days so I could make sure all the work gets done. I was washing the dishes and doing the laundry as usual when my boss pops her head in and says she's going to start calling me Cinderella since I'm doing so much cleaning. To which I responded that I wouldn't mind being called Cinderella, if there was a guaranteed prince at the end of the story.

My boss, as amazing as she is, could not guarantee me a prince of course. Which I suppose is a good thing since I would have a lot of people wanting my job if it included a prince, and I couldn't have that now could I? But Cinderella wasn't guaranteed a prince either. She had no idea that after the years and years of cleaning for her Step family she would find herself with the opportunity to go to a ball and, not only find a guy, but a prince to marry. Instead, she made the best of her situation without knowing the future.

Call me crazy if you like, but I believe in true love and that two people are meant for each other. So what if Cinderella hadn't made the best of her situation and stayed until her opportunity to meet the prince arose? She could have run away and found some other guy who would take her hand, but he wouldn't be the prince, her true love. And, as I keep being reminded, it's better to wait for the right guy then to waste time with the wrong one.

The more I think about it, the more the nickname "Cinderella" is less offensive and more endearing. Yes, she was forced to be a servant for a large part of her life, but she didn't let it control her. It was what she did, not who she was. She continued to stay positive and be kind despite it all. Something I try, and admittedly fail, to do. Her strength is amazing and inspiring and I only hope I can handle as much as she can.

Sometimes God puts us in a difficult situation for a reason. We aren't going to have to stay there forever, but we aren't necessarily supposed to run away from it either. My job at the inn can be tough some days. It's exhausting and can sometimes feel like I could work day and night and still not get all the work done. I have considered moving on a couple times, but this is where God has me right now, just as Cinderella felt she owed it to her father to stay until her fairy god mother assured her it was time to leave. Each of those times I thought about leaving God has blessed me with new opportunities to grow into, showing me it's not quite time for my ball yet. He is using this "Cinderella Experience" to shape me into who He has made me to be. Cinderella wouldn't be who she is without having to live through the tough times and hard work. Just as I am not the same girl who started this cleaning job several years ago.

So, call me Cinderella. I will clean the rooms, wash the laundry, scrub the dishes, and do my best to make sure the inn runs smoothly. All while doing my best to be kind and positive. God knows the end of my story, and I need to find comfort in that. And, who knows, maybe someday I will have the opportunity to go to a ball and meet my Prince, it just doesn't come guaranteed with the job.