Monday, August 19, 2019

The Ring

No, I’m not engaged, I don’t even have a boyfriend. But I started wearing this ring as a reminder of that. Not that I’m not engaged, that’s depressing, but that I don’t need to be. Not right now anyway. It reminds me of a promise I made to myself that I will follow God and do my best to be happy in whatever adventure He has me in. I suppose you could say it’s a promise ring of sorts.

I know, this ring is a bit flashy for that purpose, I’m sure there’s been a few people who see it and think I must be engaged, but there’s a reason for this ring and not another one. And it’s not just that it’s the only ring I have that actually fits and doesn’t turn my finger green… Though that is part of it… anyway…I came across this ring at a renaissance festival with my sister and cousin. We decided we should get matching rings to symbolize how the three of us were part of the same pirate crew. (If you’ve read any of my previous posts it will be quite obvious that I am a lover of pirates) In this crew I am Captain Opal Jemstone, the pirate I always am when I take on my pirate persona. And Opal is precisely why I wear this ring to symbolize my promise.
I know, I go from a promise ring to pirates, where on earth am I going with this? Just hang with me for a moment more. So, Opal is not the kind of girl who sits around waiting for her prince…or should I say pirate prince…to come along and sweep her off her feet. Oh no, not at all. That is one adventure she knows will come her way when the time is right. She doesn’t need a guy to make her life complete. Opal is the Captain of her own ship for goodness sakes! She has a loyal and hardworking crew under her command and every one of them respects her. She calls each one a friend if not family. She may be a pirate but she is by no means without mercy and gives to those in need whenever she can. She is brave, and caring, and trusts that if a man should ever stand beside her one day, that that’s one adventure worth waiting for.

God has many adventures planned for me. Whether they be little ones like jumping in puddles with my sister after a storm, or big ones like my three month trip to Roatan this winter, they are in His hands and I must trust Him with them. I, like Opal, will trust God to put the adventure of love and marriage in motion when the time is right. For sometimes the best adventures, the most important adventures, are the ones we don’t go searching for, they find us. In the meantime, I will be enjoying all these other adventures God has for me. All with my pirate…I mean promise…ring on my finger and joy in my heart. Hoist the sails and weigh anchor! We are off on an Adventure!

Our "matching" rings