Friday, December 14, 2018

25 Outfits Of Christmas

"Are you an elf?" a lady at the bank asked. I giggled "no, I dress like this every day of December." I was in Santa knee high socks, a white skirt, a red blazer, and a Santa hat. Cheery and fully in the Christmas spirit. It's something I've been doing for a few years now, dressing full out Christmas every day of December up till Christmas.

Some days, especially days when I'm just staying home, I ask myself "why am I doing this? do I really have to get dressed today?" And, as I've been told by some friends, my outfits can get a bit... overwhelming... when seen every day. Or that they simply run out of complements, there's only so many variations of saying "fun socks" one person can come up with. But then I remember I'm not doing this every day for them or even myself.

I'm doing it for those strangers in the bank, putting a smile on their face. The kid in Walmart who points and says "look mommy, an elf!" Or the lady in JoAnn’s buying Christmas socks as a gift for others but is too afraid to put on her Christmas hat for fear of looking strange. Or for the little girl in Hobby Lobby who smiles at my Christmas Minnie Mouse ears. Or for the Santa in the mall who gives me a friendly wave, renewed hope that there are still some people out there full of Christmas Spirit, even as the line for a picture is short.

It's for every stranger, every child, every friend, and yes, even me, for the days when the Christmas spirit is just a little hard to find. Maybe I can be the one to change that. If I put a smile on one person’s face today I did my job. Isn't that what Christmas is all about? Christmas makes me so happy I think I'd burst if I didn't share this joy God has put in my heart with everyone I meet.

Don't be afraid to let your light shine. I let it shine through my outfits and friendly smile. Hmm… maybe I am an elf after all… How will you spread the Christmas Spirit this year?