Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Finding Sunsets

So I was on my way home a while ago, I had a lot on my mind and was having a rough day. Then I saw something that brought me peace. I was driving over the hill when something in my mirror caught my eye. The sky was beginning to turn pink, a brilliant painting in my rearview mirror. It was so beautiful I had to pull over and watch the sky transform.

Ever since I was really little I have loved when the sky is pink. My mom would call to me when the sky was beginning to get that lovely rosy shade and I would run outside to watch. The pink mixing with the blue and bleeding into the white fluffy clouds creating a wonderful feeling of whimsy, like a sky full of cotton candy. As I grew older watching that spectacular painting change right before my eyes still holds just as much magic as it ever did when I was a child. I’ve seen hundreds of sunsets over the years. Brilliant ones in the Caribbean over the ocean, ones that seem to go on forever while flying over the clouds in an airplane, and ones over the field on my way home; but this particular one, as I was driving home that day, was different. This one wasn’t just another sunset.

I was upset, my plans were disrupted again and I wasn’t sure how on earth I was going to get back where I was supposed to be. But then I saw the sky. It was like God was saying "I painted the sky pink for you tonight, just to make you smile. Do you really think I'm going to let your future fall apart, just because of a few bumps in the road?" Nope, I'm going to be just fine. Because my future is in God’s hands. And if God loves us so much that he will paint the sky pink just to make us smile, why would He let us down when it comes to planning our future?

As I watched the colors in the sky that night I was reminded that God painted that sunset, and He made each and every one of us to be just as amazing and our lives to be just as beautiful as that spectacular masterpiece; because we, just as that sunset, are His creation. I also realized that sunset meant I made it through another day. It may not have been easy and there may have been a few tears, but I survived. And just as the sun disappears peacefully beyond the horizon in a magnificent display of color, only to rise new and fresh in the morning, so should we. Because God is holding all of our tomorrows, and that is what brings me great peace every night I watch the beautiful sky turn pink.