Friday, February 2, 2018


Love, what is love? One of the most complicated questions. The question becomes even more complicated due to the limitations of the English language. “Love” can be shown and felt in hundreds of ways, yet, we only have one word for it. One word to express love for a friend, family member, or a “significant other” alike. It’s no wonder we end up with misunderstandings. Someone thinking we said we loved them with intentions of a romantic relationship rather than as a friend. This far too often leads to not telling someone you love them at all, even though you do, for fear of it being misinterpreted. I have come across this far too often. I have guys who are friends who, though I do love them, it is not in a romantic way, therefore I don’t tell them and am careful of how I show it for fear of my intentions being misinterpreted. Makes me wish we had a different word for a romantic love verses a family or friend type love. And that isn’t unheard of.

There are different languages that have multiple words for “love.” Did you know that in Greek there are 4 different words for love? Each meaning a different kind of love, from a romantic kind of love to more of a brotherly love. I’ve heard there are some languages that have 90 or more different words for love. Could you imagine? 90 different ways you could more accurately express the love you feel in different situations. Even having 2 or 3 words for love would drastically decrease the times the word gets misinterpreted.

I can love a guy without wanting a romantic relationship with him. In fact, that’s what God calls us to do. To love everyone. Our neighbors, family, and enemies alike. But that does not mean that by saying “I love you” or showing my love by the things I do means I’m looking to be romantically involved. I should be able to tell anyone I love them without having to add on so many extra words in explanation so that there isn’t any confusion.

However, I’ve decided to stop letting the fear of being misinterpreted run my life. I will tell my friends I love them, adding on all those extra words if necessary. Everyone deserves to be loved and know they are loved.

If you would like to continue the conversation, please do! Comment here or on my Facebook Page! Thanks for reading!