Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Blinding Eclipse

Yesterday, as most of you probably know, was a solar eclipse. And as most of you, I was tempted to look at it. I had heard all the warnings. How it could damage my eyes and possibly make me go blind if I looked at it without eye protection. But I was still tempted to look at it anyway. This was a rare occurrence, I didn't want to miss it just because I hadn't planned ahead. But isn’t that how most temptations work anyway? We can be warned a thousand times about how dangerous it is but yet, we do it anyway for one reason or another.

We all have our temptations. Alcohol, cigarettes, chocolate, love... There are countless temptation and some of them can even be part of God’s creation, yet, they can get us into trouble if not handled properly. The eclipse is part of God’s creation, yet it could hurt us if we don't use protection. The same goes for any other temptations. I'm the same as the rest of you, I have my temptations. My biggest temptation is love. I want to find my prince charming. I want the husband and the kids. But that temptation, though hopefully part of Gods plan for me in the future, can get me into trouble now because now is not the right time for it.
I need protection from my temptation so that I will not give into it and become blind to Gods plan for my life. I need protection so that I don't get burned. Just as those special glasses were protection from becoming blinded from looking at the eclipse, God is my protection against giving my heart to the wrong guy. He has taught me how to guard my heart and take precautions so that I don't get blinded by every sweet guy I meet and miss what God really has planned for me.
In the end I did find a way to watch the eclipse for a minute or two, I faced my camera to the sun and watched on the screen rather than the sky. But all I saw was a ball of light. I had known that it wouldn’t be a total eclipse in my area, but I hadn’t expected that there would be absolutely no eclipse to be seen at all. Sure, the sky got a bit darker, but that was about it. All that trouble and it wasn't even worth it. But if I had taken the time to find myself some of those glasses, make one of those pinhole viewers, or even bothered to look for the tv channel that was streaming it, then I would’ve been able to enjoy it. But without the protection, with the intent of just trying to watch because I was so tempted yet didn't bother to prepare, it was useless. I feel it would be the same for my temptation. If I don't take the time to let God prepare me for the right guy and protect me from the wrong ones, then I’m just going to end up with one of the wrong guys and it won't be worth it. It would simply be because I gave into my temptation. Not because we're supposed to be together.
I am going to let God protect me from my temptations. I don’t want them to blind me to what His plan for me truly is because I know His plan for me is going to be amazing. And I know that if I have that layer of protection, then not only will I be able to wait until God brings me the right guy, I will also be able to just be friends with guys without being tempted to be more. God is my protection, and He can be the protection from your temptations too.
What are some of your temptations and has God helped protect you from them?
Photo from NASA