Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Red Light Green Light

15 traffic lights. I have to go through 15 traffic lights on my way to work. Then of course there’s the same 15 lights on my way home. That’s 30 lights on my commute, and that’s only if I go straight to work and straight home and don’t run any errands. That’s the potential to hit 30 or more red lights in one day. Yea, of course the probability of that actually happening is incredibly slim, but it is still a possibility. You can probably imagine how some days I get incredibly frustrated on my way to or from work. No one enjoys sitting at a red light. But sometimes it's necessary. And not only literally,  but also metaphorically. Literally, what if all we had were green lights? Well I would hope that would be pretty obvious. It would be a mess. The same goes for metaphorically.

Life is like a traffic light. It’s times of waiting and times of moving forward. And life isn't just red lights and green lights; there are yellow lights in there too. Times to be cautious and prepare for what’s coming next. The last few years for me have been a series of yellow lights and red lights. Times of preparing and redirecting. Some lights lasting longer than others. Now I feel I have reached a red light. The red light that will actually turn green. A red light where I am finally ready to do what God intends but now I must wait until He tells me it’s time. For possibly the first time in my life I am welcoming the coming change with open arms. Ready to see what this next chapter holds. Ready to see where this road will take me. I just need to be patient now and wait for that greatly anticipated green light.

Looking back I now see the importance of all the yellow lights, and even the red lights when I started heading in the wrong direction. They were to prepare me for when the light turns green. So, the next time you’re waiting at a red light, remember that God is controlling the traffic light of your life. Sometimes waiting for the light to turn green can be frustrating, but it will, when the time is right. And sometimes you watch as other peoples lights’ turn green but yours is still red. Be patient. Whatever light you’re on right now is for your safety and is in His control. Your light will turn green soon enough.