Saturday, November 21, 2015

Shoe Box

Ok. You just bought a new pair of shoes and now you need to get rid of the box. But before you do that, think about that single shoe box. Now, imagine 100 of those shoe boxes. How about thousands? Millions? Now imagine every single one of those thousands and thousands of shoe boxes filled to the top with toys, school supplies, and hygiene items like soap and toothbrushes. Now imagine that every single one of those boxes, each and every one, will go to a child who won’t otherwise get a Christmas present this year. Children in need who don’t have things like pencils and toothbrushes. This has been the goal of Samaritans Purse with Operation Christmas Child every year since 1993 and I am so proud to be a part of it for so many years.

For as long as I can remember I have packed at least one shoe box a year with toys, school supplies, and hygiene items for kids all over the world. I remember that I would often have one special box every year. One box that would be for a girl about my age and it would have some items that I pick out special, things like rubber ducks or knee high socks. Things that I really enjoy. Then I would write a letter introducing myself to the little girl who would receive my box. Sometimes I would even get a letter back! In addition to this one little box I would pack dozens of others. Ever since I was little I have been amazed by how good it feels to know that I had a part in bringing joy to children all over the world!

Last year I helped pack 82 boxes, this year I had a part in packing 108  boxes. One hundred and eight smiling children! And that will only be a small part of the eleven million Operation Christmas Child hopes to get this year! It amazes me every year that God can use me here, right here at home, to make such a difference for a child, or a hundred children, in another country!

I look forward to packing boxes every single year. And I look forward to the day when I can pack boxes with my own children. It is a wonderful experience that means so much to those doing the packing, those who deliver, and those who receive them. And it all starts with something as simple as one single shoe box.

If you want to join in on this wonderful event there is still time! The week for pickup is November 16th to the 23rd. This week! Just fill a box and get it to one of the pickup spots. Or you can plan to do them next year! You can find out more information on their website I know, I’m starting to sound like a commercial, but this is just such an amazing event that means so much! It has become a tradition in my house, maybe, if it isn’t already, it will become a tradition in yours too!

Have you ever packed a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child? Tell me in the comments!